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A Regional Cooperation with Turkey Included Would Bring Stability in

A Regional Cooperation with Turkey Included Would Bring Stability in the Eastern Mediterranean

SETA’s energy researcher, Gloria Shkurti Özdemir, gave an interview for A News regarding the latest development in the Eastern Mediterranean.

SETA’s energy researcher, Gloria Shkurti Özdemir, gave an interview for A News regarding the latest development in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Özdemir argued that as Turkey and Egypt recently started diplomatic-level contact after year long hiatus starting in 2013 a possible reshaping of the balance of power will be seen in the near future.

Lastly, Gloria Shkurti Özdemir stated that the regional states in Eastern Mediterranean should focus on cooperation in terms of the hydrocarbon resources. While a race between states would not serve well to any of the states, a possible cooperation would make possible for the discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean to change the global energy balances. However, as President Erdoğan has mentioned in various occasions, the regional cooperation would not be possible or successful without Turkey or without solving the Cyprus issue.

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