How US Allies in The Far East React to The Pyongyang Crisis

Trump should take into account public opinion in the U.S.'s two allied states in the region, South Korea and Japan, before escalating its nuclear tension with Kim Jong Un

How US Allies in The Far East React to The
Remembering The Hiroshima Tragedy in the Midst of US-North Korea

Remembering The Hiroshima Tragedy in the Midst of US-North Korea Nuclear Threats

The trauma and shock experienced after the world's deadliest attacks in Hiroshima and Nagasaki should be a lesson for those who are seeking nuclear war between the U.S. and North Korea


The American elite who entrusted Turkey's politics to the anti-Turkey lobby is losing Turkey, plain and simple

In the wake of rising geopolitical tensions among major global powers, rising far-right movements and xenophobia, economic protectionism and regional turf wars, nation-states are strongly reasserting themselves

It is time for global actors to take some initiatives against the security crisis led by the unpredictable regime in North Korea

The evidence contained in case files against the coup plotters clearly say that last summer's coup attempt was orchestrated by FETÖ members

Hazards of Using Human Rights as Political Leverage

When it comes to the Middle East, it has been a common occurrence to witness that Western governments occasionally accuse certain countries in the region of breaching fundamental human rights.

Hazards of Using Human Rights as Political Leverage
Will the Military Direct Trump's Middle East Security Policy

Will the Military Direct Trump's Middle East Security Policy?

Current Trump's Middle East security policies are military-directed and the light footprint option seems the best strategy for future U.S. security policy.


If the US insists on supporting the YPG against Turkey's wishes, Syria's post-ISIL stability is going to be in peril.

Turkey, along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel, is trying to develop a new kind of relationship with the Trump administration – which still looks unpredictable

Having lost its prestige in Syria with the repeated failed policies of the Obama administration, the U.S. is now about to lose all presence in the Middle East unless Trump immediately becomes involved in the Syrian equation

The first and most significant task of the Trump administration to revive the damaged Turkey-U.S. relations is to take steps to overcome the trust and confidence problems in bilateral relations

The resignation of Flynn was an apparent example of the establishment's dissatisfaction with Trump's Russian policies. Yet, U.S.-Russian relations, which have a huge impact on global politics, must not be a topic in U.S. daily politics

In the Middle East, the Trump administration wants to defeat Daesh in the short run and then focus on containing Tehran's regional hegemony

From the first conversation between the two leaders, both sides expressed a willingness to improve relations and re-strategize the partnership.

Following the warm phone call between presidents Trump and Erdoğan, the CIA head's Ankara visit was the first face-to-face start of the new negotiation era between Turkey and the U.S., which heralds the change of power balance approaching the Middle East

Although Trump's phone call to Erdoğan and the CIA head's visit to Ankara are both concrete steps, they are unfortunately inadequate to normalize Turkey-U.S. ties; Trump still has a lot to do

The phone call between presidents Erdoğan and Trump was the warmest development in Turkey-U.S. relations since Obama's cold calls in past years. However, now, Turkish people need to focus on rational interests and diplomacy rather than act based on feelings

Trump administration might herald a new era in which the already existing danger of anti-Muslim extremism in the Western world

It has always been hard for U.S. administrations to determine foreign policy, and there have always been different voices in Washington D.C. arguing over it, that's the reason for today's absence of any decisions in the U.S.

The United States wants to get involved in the Syrian crisis again rapidly and effectively.