Podcast: Ukraine | Journey of War for Just Peace

Ukraine | Journey of War for Just Peace

Podcast Ukraine Journey of War for Just Peace
How will the Turkish-US Visa Crisis End

How will the Turkish-US Visa Crisis End?

Washington has no way to come to a mutual understanding with Ankara without changing its current policies that pose a threat to Turkey's national security.


Trump's new strategy on Iran and the nuclear deal is likely to also have a huge impact on U.S. allies in the region

The already existing confusion among the U.S. allies is because of Trump always taking the wrong steps while dealing with them

This crisis is a major test for the future of the relations. The two, as NATO allies, need to work together in order to stabilize the conflicts in the Middle East and prevent security risks.

Turkey rightly desires to maintain a respectable and equitable relationship with the U.S. and would not accept to be bullied for anything

Trying to Discipline Erdoğan, U.S. Could Lose Turkey

The idea of "strategic partnership" - let alone what President Obama once hailed as "model partnership"- means little, if anything at all. At this point, Turks of all political backgrounds are convinced that Washington is being hostile toward their country.

Trying to Discipline Erdoğan U S Could Lose Turkey
Where are We in Turkish-U S Relations

Where are We in Turkish-U.S. Relations?

Turkish-U.S. relations are going through neither a structural crisis nor conjectural tension. I think relations are experiencing structural tension.


Moving forward, Washington must take the time to understand Turkey's frustration and engage in qualified cooperation with Ankara in certain areas. A review of Washington's policy on FETÖ, for instance, could go a long way.

Orientalism is not just the West's ideological supremacy. It is also an attempt to irrationalize the East and make it exotic

Trump’s foreign policy and security team members more or less agree that Iran constituted a major problem for the region.

An upcoming meeting between presidents Trump and Xi in November will shape the future relations of the U.S. and China

The reaction from the U.S. administration does not provide any indication of the steps that the administration may take regarding the referendum process.

The conflict between the U.S. and North Korea has prompted some other crises in East Asia, dragging the whole region, with the involvement of other countries, into an unstoppable chaos

The groups against Turkey seek to benefit from the PKK by discarding Masoud Barzani's team and Iran-sponsored groups in northern Iraq.

KRG leader Barzani might find it difficult to keep his seat whether the referendum takes place on Sept. 25 or not

No doubt, the Gulf Crisis has already shaken delicate balances and left the Gulf vulnerable to various provocations from outside as well

Following successive firings in the White House, it is really hard to predict the future of the new U.S. foreign policy

Operation Euphrates Shield, an overdue incursion that ended in success, clearly took the Turkish military's technical capabilities to the next level and strengthened Turkey's ties with local partners

Although there is a different administration in the U.S. right now, the memory of broken promises from the Obama era, particularly about Syria, will continue to haunt Turkish-U.S. relations

China is trying to complete its internal consolidation and regional connectivity through initiatives. However, patient observers will not have to wait long to witness the gradual transformation of China's cautious attitude into one of global, diplomatic proactivity