Turkey to hit PYD PKK in north Syria Iraq after

Turkey to hit PYD/PKK in north Syria, Iraq after Afrin

Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research experts: Operation Olive Branch meets international law requirments


If Egypt is really making an axis shift from its historic ally U.S. to Russia, then Pence's upcoming visit to Cairo will be very important for the future of Washington's Middle East strategies

Although the U.N. General Assembly decision is legally non-binding, the wide scope of global opposition to the U.S. on the status of al-Quds indicates a heavy loss of prestige and legitimacy for Washington, which could translate into a loss of effectiveness in foreign policy making on the Middle East.

Global politics after the Jerusalem vote

The U.N. vote on Jerusalem that rejected Trump's declaration seems to harm the U.S.'s ties with member countries

Global politics after the Jerusalem vote
Trump's America An isolated dissatisfied hegemon

Trump's America: An isolated, dissatisfied hegemon

Due to its unilateral and irresponsible foreign policy and conflicting political discourse, Trump's America instigated the rise of anti-Americanism even in friendly countries


The EU, France, the U.K., Germany, Russia and China all declared that the American administration had taken a wrong and provocative step that could damage peace efforts and trigger widespread violence.

In its ending declaration, Trump's decision on Jerusalem was harshly condemned and a call was made for the U.S. to take a step back and if it didn't, it would be responsible for everything that will occur next. Another striking emphasis about the U.S. was the statements from OIC states that the U.S. should step away from its role in the peace process.

Trump's Jerusalem move rekindled a century-old problem in the Middle East and created an environment that will fuel anti-Americanism in the region and Islamophobia in the U.S.

Whatever the global strategies of great powers or personal agendas of unprincipled politicians, al-Quds represents a jewel that shall be protected dearly as the global center of tolerance, multiculturalism and mutual respect

Turkey's expectations from Germany are very clear: To support Turkey in its fight against terrorism, and to end its support to the terror groups fighting against Turkey. Let us leave aside the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) and even the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) and speak only of the PKK.

Once established with the aim of becoming a beacon of peace and stability around the world, the U.N. organization is now failing to even take care of its own problems

In the wake of sorrowing international apathy, Turkey endeavors to spearhead efforts to coordinate humanitarian diplomacy to assist the Rohingya Muslims despite its geographical distance

The crisis in North Korea has already influenced every country in the region, changing the equations and balances among the governments

According to United Nations records, Rohingyas constitute the most persecuted minority in the world. Their persecution has continued almost uninterrupted for decades.

Turkey and India are among the developing countries trying to change their role in the international system. Noting that the U.N. Security Council remains ineffective and unjust, both nations often call for reform.

Whether the missile attack was intended as just another PR opportunity for Trump or it represents a real turning point in the U.S.'s Syrian policy remains to be seen

The world witnessed a major humanitarian crisis last week, as regime forces and its allies committed atrocities in Aleppo, along with the inaction of the U.S. and EU and the rhetorical actions of the U.N. Security Council

Turkey is seeking to protect its economic and political interests in northern Iraq while fighting against PKK and ISIL.