President Erdoğan's UK trip

Turkey has been consistently improving bilateral ties with countries like the U.K. and yet opposition political figures desperately complain to foreign governments about the current government instead of reaching out to their own people

President Erdoğan's UK trip
Trump's effect on the global system continues with Iran nuclear

Trump's effect on the global system continues with Iran nuclear deal

Since becoming the U.S. president, Donald Trump never ceased to surprise international observers by his sheer speed in deconstructing all diplomatic efforts and compromises reached at multilateral platforms and ardently destroying the legacy of his predecessor Barack Obama.


We have been on the road with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who visited Uzbekistan and South Korea, since Sunday. The election campaign has had no effect on the Turkish leader's foreign trips. His ability to form the People's Alliance early on made it possible for him to make prescheduled trips.

French President Emmanuel Macron paid an official visit to Washington to meet his American counterpart Donald Trump.

What can end the conflicts and dilemmas in Syria is an effective initiative taken by the international community instead of irrational U.S.-led policies such as backing a PKK-affiliated terrorist group

Speakers highlight cooperation in the fight against terrorism and media’s characterization of events

France's ambition in Syria is a limited strategy, small victory

The airstrikes launched by the United States, Britain and France on regime positions in Syria provided all with a sense of victory

France's ambition in Syria is a limited strategy small victory
Turkey's best bet in Syria is to take advantage of

Turkey's best bet in Syria is to take advantage of controlled tensions

Joint airstrike by the U.S., France and U.K. after the Syrian regime's use of chemical weapons in Douma is a ticket back to the table for the U.S., French and British leaders


Even though the U.S., U.K. and France acted against Bashar Assad's use of chemical weapons, it's not the first time nor will it end the plight of the Syrian people

U.S. President Donald Trump criticized the Syrian regime for using chemical weapons on civilians in Douma, Eastern Ghouta, and threatened to use military power in response to this deplorable act.

U.S. President Donald Trump's response to the recent chemical attack in Syria would keep the U.S. presence in the region while also deepening the crisis

The chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta resulted in unprecedented tensions between Russia and the United States in Syria.

The international community needs to generate effective solutions more than ever to end the suffering of the Syrian people

As soon as Salman bin Abdulaziz became the king of Saudi Arabia, he started laying the groundwork for the reign of his son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Sergei Skripal worked as a double agent for Russian and British intelligence agencies and helped to uncover some of Russia's intelligence operations in Europe.

Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research report says FETO structure in UK dates back to 1993

PKK/PYD attacks towards Turks and Turkish buildings in Europe from 01.01.2017 to 15.03.2017

Gulf states face the first real and vital challenge after the outbreak of the Arab Spring but it seems they do not have the capability to handle it

While hegemonic transitions tend to occur over long periods, it seems that the friction between neo-protectionism in strategic sectors and the push for all out liberalization will determine the fundamental axis of the ongoing rivalry between China and the U.S.

As the number of dead YPG militants increases and Turkish-backed forces advance toward the center of Afrin, there will be a more determined effort to limit and ultimately render Operation Olive Branch unsuccessful

The Syrian National Dialogue Congress met in Sochi on Jan. 30. The congress took shorter than planned, and some opposition groups that were expected to join refused to participate in the meetings at the last minute.