US Elections and Asia Pacific

The Asia Pacific still is in the periphery in both Trump and Clinton's major addresses to the U.S. public opinion

US Elections and Asia Pacific
A Slippery Slope US-Russian Relations

A Slippery Slope: US-Russian Relations

The next U.S. administration will be a new reset, perhaps a new Cold War, that is not so much nuclear - despite Putin's threats - but rather is cyber and may be more about Syria


Erdoğan stepped on U.S. soil with refreshed confidence of a democratic leader enjoying unwavering political and social support after a heinous coup attempt

What the U.S. is going to leave behind after the end of the conflict in Syria is a branch of the PKK terrorist group that controls vast lands to the south of Turkey's border

The YPG's attacking two Turkish tanks that fight against DAESH in south Jarablus is a declaration of war on Turkey

After the red line statement in particular, the situation went on to prove that the deterrent power of the U.S. has been significantly reduced

US-Turkish Relations and the YPG Effect

The tactical divergences between Turkey and the U.S. concerning Iraq, Iran and Syria have caused significant friction between the two allies in the past decade

US-Turkish Relations and the YPG Effect
The US and YPG

The US and YPG

Demographic engineering, war crimes and atrocities committed by the YPG is making it harder for the U.S. administration to support it, but still it does


Although both are NATO members in the international coalition against DAESH, the U.S.'s insistence on supporting the PYD and YPG, which Ankara deems terror organizations, instead of Turkey, harms the trust between the two countries

Ankara declares war not only against the deadly terror of the PKK through its urban occupation and civilian massacres, but also against its provocative grass roots

With 10 months left for his administration, President Obama's attitude seems to mirror those of the cliché Hollywood action heroes

It is well-known that the YPG is tactically used by the PKK as an integral part of its irregular warfare strategy both in terms of man power band military equipment in the fight against the Turkish Armed Forces in eastern Turkey.

U.S.-Turkey bilateral relations were discussed in detail in various different panels during the 5th Annual Conference of Insight Turkey organized by the country's think tank SETA foundation in Washington, D.C.

With the increasing tension in relations with Iran due to the Syrian crisis, while relations with Saudi Arabia have been gaining speed in recent times, Turkey is required to take a more careful approach in politics.

The HDP sees the latest wave of attacks as a window of opportunity to support its anti-Erdoğan propaganda for the Nov. 1 elections. However, this discourse only benefits the West's campaign to smear Turkey

Obama and his team understood that public opinion has been heavily affected by "war fatigue" after two lengthy wars in the Middle East and avoiding any more conflict in the region has become priority.

One of the reasons why political jargon is framed as if it were a general election is because of the Dec. 17 operation that caused local elections to be pushed out of its normal process.

Turkey has refreshed its social and historical memory of each and every country that experienced change and revolution.

After back-to-back visits to Turkey by US Middle East envoy George Mitchell and secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Ahmet Davutoglu, a top adviser to Turkey's prime minister, predicted that Turkish-American relations were about to enter a golden era

The meeting between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and President George W. Bush at the White House last Monday was expected to be a turning point for Turkey’s war on Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terrorism as well as for US-Turkish relations; at least some on the Turkish side thought so. While Prime Minister Erdoğan said he was happy with the outcome of the meeting, it is simplistic to interpret this as a watershed event in US-Turkish relations.  

Everybody is asking if America is in decline. The new big question from the journal Foreign Affairs is whether the American era is over. Fareed Zakaria, the editor of Newsweek, answers with a book, his new release "The Post-American World," in which he proposes a number of ideas and strategies for the US power to survive the "rise of the rest."