From Astana to Geneva: The Syria Crisis

Whether the current negotiations will be able to solve the Syria crisis is still uncertain, but it is good to see that at least something has started to be done in the name of peace

From Astana to Geneva The Syria Crisis
Restructuring Western Politics A Renewed Confrontation

Restructuring Western Politics: A Renewed Confrontation?

When considering the Russian state as European and Western, the world may face a renewed global confrontation between different Western/European power blocs


Trump will focus his time and energy on dismantling Obama's legacy at home and abroad. The question remains whether he, who proved eager to take on the establishment, can overcome the 'institutional' obstacles in his path

At the end of the day, Obama did not act and the people of Syria suffered. This will continue to haunt his foreign policy legacy

The world witnessed a major humanitarian crisis last week, as regime forces and its allies committed atrocities in Aleppo, along with the inaction of the U.S. and EU and the rhetorical actions of the U.N. Security Council

The massacre in Aleppo will be talked about in the future as a crime committed with contributions by onlookers like the international community.

Congress in Istanbul Provides Major Platform for Global Energy

The highlight of the congress will be Vladimir Putin's meetings with President Erdoğan and the messages that they will prefer to convey public opinion "between the lines.

Congress in Istanbul Provides Major Platform for Global Energy
Without Turkey the Mosul Operation Cannot Succeed

Without Turkey, the Mosul Operation Cannot Succeed

Turkey is the only reliable country in the fight against Daish in the region. Iraq's objection to Turkey's military presence in Bashiqa only allows the terror organization to act more freely


The worst is yet to come: We need to figure out who will replace Daish and what they are planning to do with the territories under their control

In response to the Obama administration's actions, Turks continue to increase the number of their own 'local partners' in the fight against Daesh.

Erdoğan stepped on U.S. soil with refreshed confidence of a democratic leader enjoying unwavering political and social support after a heinous coup attempt

Turkey is working to make the U.N. meaningful and functional despite obstructions. And it should continue in its efforts.

The most significant humanitarian crisis since World War II has taken place in the middle of the Middle East. The world will remember this with three different pictures of war.

As we celebrate Ramadan Bayram under the shadow of coordinated DAESH terrorist attacks across the Muslim world, it is crystal clear that both the waves of terrorism accomplished with false Islamic rhetoric and a perverted approach to religious teachings pose an existential problem to Muslims

The Russian government started to follow policies that resulted in significant problems and challenges for the Western world and international community in different regions. With the rapid changes in the Middle East following the beginning of the Arab Spring, Russia's foreign policy started to demonstrate signs of a return to its default setting.

The international community has failed in the case of the Syrian civil war as the number of refugees increased expotentially

The passive attitude kept up by the U.S. throughout all of the processes in the Middle East is not a result of indecisiveness but the very policy itself, which Ankara knows

If the Japanese government is determined to become more visible in global politics, it should make the most of opportunities such as the Syrian crisis to take the first step in convincing the international community

The opening remarks of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who took over the term presidency of the organization, during the summit depicted the expectations of the OIC. His remarks were full of new suggestions to turn the OIC into a genuine association.

The UNAOC initiative represented a perfect example of Turkey's proactive, multilateral diplomacy based on building international alliances around common principles and inclusiveness, contributing to innovative peace building through dialogue