After five years of civil war, a huge influx of foreign fighters, and lots of sophisticated global power meddling, Syria is beginning to crystallize as the stage of the New Cold War between Putin's embattled Russia and Obama's U.S. with a human face' on Turkey's doorsteps.
The PKK's presence isn't derived from political conflicts with governments but their deep hatred for the state itself.
The Kurdish electorate is naturally confused about the sincerity of the HDP, which missed a huge opportunity to become a key partner in the reconciliation process by trying to legitimize the terrorist attacks by the PKK.
Here is a political hyperreality: Turkey, while fighting against all terrorist groups in the region, is somehow being portrayed to the world as if it is ignoring the threat.
This paper explores the ups and downs of Turkish-American relations since 2003 and seeks to explain why these last two years have brought serious strain on the Ankara- Washington relationship.
From now on, the U.S. and Turkey must try to lower expectations and form realistic assessments about the future of bilateral relations. Only after taking this step will we see a normalization of U.S.-Turkey relations.
The continuous military interventions over the last 60 years of Turkish democracy have left a series of different victims of coups. The destructive and bloody aftermath of coups anywhere is always remembered as the darkest days of the countries' histories just as 1980 was one of the darkest years for Turkey
As the region enters one of the most troubled periods, and as multiple countries in the region are about to turn into failed states, the stability of cooperation between Turkey and the U.S. gains new significance.
The recent visit of President Erdogan to Cuba, Mexico and Colombia was designed as a strategic move to increase bilateral relations with key countries.
As an emerging power from the Middle East and North Africa, Turkey must be more visible in Latin America and we very likely will be.
It is not a secret that the year 2014 did not see the best period in relations between the U.S. and Turkey.
The business elite in TÜSİAD circles never saw the AK Party governments as a natural partner with whom they could forge a long-term and strategic developmental alliance.
In order to preserve the warm atmosphere between Greece and Turkey, the two countries need to develop networks of social and cultural dialogue and strengthen economic cooperation.
Vice President Joe Biden's visit to Turkey will mark an important turning point in relations between the U.S. and Turkey.
It is quite ironic that a supposedly pro-Western opposition seeks to undermine the possibility of Turkey's critical integration into the West.
After the U.S. decision not to attack the Syrian regime, questions and skepticism started to emerge about the U.S. strategy in Syria.
Forty-nine hostages were rescued from ISIS after a successful operation. Considering the delicacy of the situation, the supervision and conduct of this operation appear worthy of commendation.
The hundreds of policemen who were arrested on July 22 tell a valuable story about the past six years: a story of how things can get out of hand when the police, prosecutors and judges join forces.