Mapping Turkey's Future

People who try to force another secularist regime down the throat of the Middle East need to take a step back and face the fact that it will take religious legitimacy, as opposed to secularism, to overcome sectarian clashes.

Mapping Turkey's Future
The Main Motivation Behind Turkey's Foreign Policy

The Main Motivation Behind Turkey's Foreign Policy

Turkey is acting with quite realist justifications in foreign policy. Turkey's struggle with terrorist organizations and the relations it fosters with other states breed on these justifications.


Turks are trying to adapt to the regional order's downfall and a dangerous increase in the number of failed states in the neighborhood

If things get out of control, we might brace ourselves for a humanitarian intervention; and it will be in total conformity with the new power politics in the Middle East.

What all sides need to keep in mind is that there can be no lasting defeat for Daesh and others unless Sunni Arabs are adequately represented by the national governments of Syria and Iraq.

Turkey is reinvigorating its quest for a democratic presidential system that can meet its requirements. Political circles will be intensively engaged in presidential system models in the upcoming days

US-Turkey: Whose Axis is Shifting?

If the conditions are favorable, Turkey might follow the course of military cooperation with Russia until the end, regardless of whatever reactions it bears the brunt of from the NATO side.

US-Turkey Whose Axis is Shifting
The Need for a New World Order and the World

The Need for a New World Order and the World Energy Congress

President Erdoğan once again succinctly criticized global inequalities and mentioned the lack of access to energy in different parts of the world and how this lack brings with it serious crises


Omitting Turkey from Iraqi agenda or placing the country into a secondary position due to the pressure from Iran will not create a new and peaceful Iraq

The highlight of the congress will be Vladimir Putin's meetings with President Erdoğan and the messages that they will prefer to convey public opinion "between the lines.

Each leader made some fundamental decisions about the country's direction and therefore the only meaningful comparison between them is how they consolidated power

It's important to keep in mind that it isn't just U.S. citizens who are unsure about America's new role in the world.

Focus mustly not on the ideological, but the practical benefits of keeping Washington on the agenda

In response to the Obama administration's actions, Turks continue to increase the number of their own 'local partners' in the fight against Daesh.

Erdoğan stepped on U.S. soil with refreshed confidence of a democratic leader enjoying unwavering political and social support after a heinous coup attempt

Turkey is working to make the U.N. meaningful and functional despite obstructions. And it should continue in its efforts.

For Turkey, the fight against terror is a long path that must be covered with meticulous planning.

Turkey has no choice but to implement a counterterrorism policy capable of addressing region-wide challenges related to the de facto unification of Syria and Iraq.

Ankara is firmly back in action as an emerging power acting proactively in regional and global matters

This time, Turkey participated in the G20 summit in a far more strong and self-confident mood than in previous years.