Ahead Of 2019 Race, Opposition Leaders Repeating Past Mistakes

Compared to 2014, the opposition will have a more difficult time finding a suitable candidate for their joint campaign.

Ahead Of 2019 Race Opposition Leaders Repeating Past Mistakes
Boosting Economic Ties Priority in New Turkish Foreign Policy

Boosting Economic Ties Priority in New Turkish Foreign Policy

Economic diplomacy will be one of the determining issues on the Turkish foreign policy agenda.


Seeking a balanced policy with the U.S. and Russia in the region, Turkey is determined to not let the Kurdish militants form any kind of entity

With the consolidation of the presidential system, international observers might brace themselves for a fast-thinking, fast-acting Turkey

Erdoğan and Putin, who discussed bilateral trade relations and amuch-debated solution to the Syrian crisis, completed their meeting more positively than ever

Turkey and India are among the developing countries trying to change their role in the international system. Noting that the U.N. Security Council remains ineffective and unjust, both nations often call for reform.

Will The AK Party Part Ways With 'Islamists'?

In recent years, Mr. Erdoğan has included the common themes of conservatism, nationalism and Islamism, the main pillars of Turkish politics, in his discourse and policies to the best of his ability and under the prevailing conditions.

Will The AK Party Part Ways With 'Islamists'
Post-Referendum Era Pushes Ankara to Reform Foreign Policy

Post-Referendum Era Pushes Ankara to Reform Foreign Policy

Ankara has begun to renew its foreign policy agenda in the post-referendum era in attempt to balance the shaken relations with its alliances


The two emerging powers, Turkey and India, will take concrete steps to improve their economic and political coperation in the meetings

The April 16 constitutional referendum did not lower the tensions in Turkish politics. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will travel to India, Russia, China, Belgium and the U.S. in the coming weeks.

Thanks to the 'yes' result in the constitutional referendum, Turkey is going to negotiate with its foreign allies with renewed confidence in the following days

The "yes" result in the referendum disappointed campaigners for "no" in the West more than the "no" front in Turkey. They clearly took up a position politically and failed.

Turkey must focus its energy and attention on the swift realization of much-needed structural reforms in public administration and macroeconomic management

If the West wants to do business with the Turks, it must acknowledge that what Mr. Erdoğan represents will be part and parcel of Turkey's future

The Europeans are destroying the possibility of cooperating with Turkey to pursue mutual, rational interests as they retain their anti-Erdoğan sentiments

The U.K.'s Brexit episode set a useful precedent for Turkey's future mode of engagement with Europe

Today's European leaders' use of lies in their anti-Turkey propaganda reminds us of the method used by Hitler and his propaganda minister, Goebbels

Nowadays, stories akin to what The Independent published earlier this week represent an effort to gain leverage over Turkey.

European countries' open support to the ‘no' campaign in the Turkish referendum will have an adverse effect on the camp opposing the constitutional reform

The argument from the ‘no' camp that claims the opposition to the referendum is the same as fighting the War of Independence will certainly backfire

A look at how the sequence of political crises have harmed Turkey for years is enough to show why Turkey needs to take this reform step in the April referendum