Economy is being used as a weapon against Turkey, says Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkish-American relations have been in a situation of permanent crises for the last five years..
The above-mentioned sanctions marked the beginning of a new era in Turkey-U.S. relations..
Concentrating on the results of the June 24 elections in Turkey, I temporarily turned a blind eye to Western media's coverage of this historic vote.
May the election results serve our country and people well. Moving forward, our top priority will be to stay afloat, seize opportunities and keep growing in an increasingly unpredictable global environment and increasingly tense region.
Erdoğan's party manifesto is a turning point for the AK Party's vision, which is adjusting to the country's needs and regional and global changes, according to SETA Istanbul General Coordinator Altun
The U.S.' untrustworthy diplomatic moves, along with the decision to pull out of the landmark nuclear accord with Iran has led to more instability in the Middle East
Turkey will be holding snap elections on June 24. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced the decision to hold early elections on Wednesday.
The American invasion of Iraq can be demonstrated as a textbook example of how to kill a state and destroy a population, if not a nation.
Moody's report, which was probably written with direction from FETÖ, aims to devalue the Turkish lira
Deliberate categorizations such as the ‘Fragile Five' constitute part of the soft power mechanism intended to keep global capital away from Turkey and constitute financial pressure on Turkish policy makers
Washington has no way to come to a mutual understanding with Ankara without changing its current policies that pose a threat to Turkey's national security.
Strong economic ties continue to constitute the building block of Turkish-German relations today.
Military interventions that interrupt the normal functioning of democratic regimes and utilize brutal military force to suppress legitimate political authorities and their support base open deep wounds in social fabrics.
What are the weaknesses of the current system of governance in terms of the economy? What will the presidential system bring to the Turkish Economy?
Economic diplomacy will be one of the determining issues on the Turkish foreign policy agenda.
With the consolidation of the presidential system, international observers might brace themselves for a fast-thinking, fast-acting Turkey
Turkey must focus its energy and attention on the swift realization of much-needed structural reforms in public administration and macroeconomic management
The new system will establish a unified executive branch, improve coordination among economic agencies.