The United States back to nowhere

Whether Joe Biden can put an end to the U.S. constantly losing power and influence in world politics is still a mystery

The United States back to nowhere
SETA D C Director Üstün Tillerson s dismissal symptom of

SETA D.C. Director Üstün: Tillerson’s dismissal symptom of political crisis in Washington

As Turkish-U.S relations have been passing through a difficult period, U.S. President Donald Trump announced last week that he fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and nominated CIA Director Mike Pompeo via his Twitter account.


The United States wants to get involved in the Syrian crisis again – rapidly and effectively.

The phone call between presidents Erdoğan and Trump was the warmest development in Turkey-U.S. relations since Obama's cold calls in past years. However, now, Turkish people need to focus on rational interests and diplomacy rather than act based on feelings

The United States wants to get involved in the Syrian crisis again rapidly and effectively.