The West still does not trust the political actors holding Islamic traditions in the Middle East, and it does not know how to interact with them effectively.
In order to maintain stability in influx and out flux of capital, investment fund inflows should be encouraged and precautionary measures should be taken for the outflows. The Istanbul Finance Center project will prevent the capital in and out fluxes to be a factor of instability.
In fact, the evidence suggests the contrary and that it is the Muslim democrats in the current government who initiated direct talks with the Kurds, the Alevis and the Roma people in Turkey for the first time in the Republic's history.
The media sectorÂ’s relationship with the government is not the only problem it faces today. The media establishment, media bosses and journalists are shaped by their ideological tendencies, as well as the governmentsÂ’ positions.
If being a majority will never give an edge and if the majority will not get any respect from the minority, as the liberal-leftist conception of democracy suggests, should we not start talking about the danger of “minority dictatorship” rather than “tyranny of the majority”?
Why do the protestors, a significant majority of whom voted for the CHP, feel under represented? Why should the CHP constituency feel less represented than before?
There are four main emotions that the Gezi Park protesters were moved by: elitism, defeat, despair- hopelessness and fear-paranoia.
Now it is time to adopt a calmer approach while analyzing the Gezi Park protests. Since the beginning of the protests, not only the composition but also the motive and aim of the protesters have gradually changed.
The Gezi Park phenomenon is the first test of the government against a new type of political citizenship that has made an attempt to take charge of political representation somehow.
Since the beginning of the protests, not only the composition but also the motive and aim of the protesters have gradually changed.
Our political research department's analyst Galip Dalay answered Russia Today's questions regarding recent protests in Turkey.
If we are seriously to talk about the last two weeks, there is nothing but a huge political inaptitude in front of us.
Are the current protests in Turkey the product of democratisation that has taken place over the last decade?
If ErdoÄŸan can overcome 19th century positivism, then we can have our participatory democracy and ErdoÄŸan can finally be free of accusations of totalitarianism.
Unless the emerging picture of the last ten days leave the world of psychological stresses, camouflaged objections and selfish sensitivities behind, and is not transformed into a “clear political” position, it will not leave a long lasting impression in the world of politics except psychological tensions.
An analysis on the identity and message of the protesters should take into consideration the heterogeneity of protesters.