Negotiation table and Erdoğan's warning for the West

A prolonged war in Ukraine would have a devastating impact on European security and the global economy. That is why we should expect diplomacy to gain momentum

Negotiation table and Erdoğan's warning for the West
Russia's Vladimir Putin pulls the trigger

Russia's Vladimir Putin pulls the trigger

Russia made certain maximalist demands under the pretext of national security. Judging by the way that the U.S. and the EU managed the crisis, there was no attempt to stop Moscow’s imminent attack either.


Unless all parties from Brussels to the Kremlin give realistic diplomacy a chance, the escalating military confrontation will never stop

Turkey, which did not recognize the annexation of Crimea, supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity. At the same time, it wants Russia and Ukraine – countries, with which it has cordial relations – to resolve the Donbass crisis through negotiations. Again, Russia could find it more suitable to work with Turkey in the Black Sea, as it already does in the Caucasus.

The country is wedged between an aggressive power and idle disunity, suffering from a lack of independence

As the tug of war over Ukraine deepens, the Russian leader has shifted into high gear against the Western alliance

Ukraine: On the table or at the table?

On its path to strengthen its independence, neither Russian nor Western influence should dominate Ukraine

Ukraine On the table or at the table
On Putin's moves from Kazakhstan to Ukraine

On Putin's moves, from Kazakhstan to Ukraine

Considering the Russian president's strategies, the question is whether there can be a third option somewhere between war and reconciliation


On October 31, 2021, during the G20 Summit in Rome, President Erdoğan is going to meet with U.S. President Biden. This will be their second meeting in a couple of months after Biden came to the White House.

The ambassadors chose the wrong path and attempted to interfere in Turkish domestic affairs. This is why Ankara's stance is right

We are living in an age of crisis, with the world's economic and political system more complicated than ever due to the unfair actions of the U.N. and U.S.

The U.S. invaded Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban regime, but left the country to a much stronger Taliban. After 20 years of occupation, this withdrawal has brought about many regional consequences for the U.S.

The U.S. withdrawal has shown that the Afghan war is never-ending and meaningless

Xenophobia, a growing political tendency of the West, affects Muslims the most. It is time for Europe and non-Western countries to recognize anti-Islam activities as a form of racism and fight against it

The future of the international system is being debated fiercely nowadays. Everyone knows that the liberal order, backed by United States hegemony, is breaking down. Washington’s comeback isn’t widely expected to restore liberal order either.

The modern international system was established after the Napoleonic Wars in the wake of the French Revolution. Although France, the state representing the new age, was defeated by the traditional empires, the values and institutions of the French Revolution dominated the European continent throughout the 19th century and the rest of the world throughout the 20th century.

In order for normalization initiatives to bear fruit, ambassadors must be appointed or an agreement on maritime jurisdiction areas must be signed, which are, in fact, options that are not too far-fetched

Since the early years of the revolution, Iran has generally followed an inactive policy regarding the West, but one of reaction toward the Muslim world.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended last week a military parade in Baku, Azerbaijan, to celebrate that country's victory in Nagorno-Karabakh. His address, which reinforced the idea that Turkey and Azerbaijan are "two states and one nation," touched on three key points.

Historically, Western governments prefer liberal values and principles in their foreign relations only when they enjoy a competitive advantage. When the governments experience crises and find themselves in a disadvantaged position, hatred, alienization and otherization increases. This has been the case recently with the Western world knee-deep in political, social and economic crises.

Today, the blame cannot be placed on Azerbaijan for the recent clashes when it is defending its own territories, and the Azerbaijani government's call for a complete Armenian withdrawal is a legitimate request. The international community should be putting pressure on Armenia to withdraw from the region and normalize relations with its neighbors.