The risk of world disorder

The world has been in transition since the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the bipolar world system in the early 1990s. Several attempts to consolidate the Western, i.e., American, hegemony during the first decade of the post-Cold War period have failed. Some may argue that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were against the symbols of American hegemony and were a turning point in the search for a new hegemon. However, the American reactions, namely the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, failed. The United States could not ensure the unity of the West: Western European countries followed different, sometimes conflictual, policies.

The risk of world disorder
Turkish foreign policy in 2022

Turkish foreign policy in 2022

As Ankara has made a number of crucial and successful moves in world politics while being led by President Erdoğan, 2022 was a challenging but fruitful year for Turkish foreign policy


‘Samarkand and New York summits have shown Türkiye’s determination of following an independent, diversified and global-scale foreign policy’

The West’s policy of otherization and alienation toward Türkiye, a 70-year NATO member, especially in the regional crises of Syria, EastMed and Karabakh is the result of Ankara’s claim for regional leadership and an autonomous global status

The organization, which has nine members following Iran’s admission, recognized Egypt and Qatar as dialogue partners at the Samarkand Summit. At the same time, the SCO has launched processes related to the full membership of Belarus and granting 'dialogue partner' status to Bahrain, Kuwait, the Maldives, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Myanmar.

The political situation in Pakistan is still not stable, and a new government is expected to be formed soon. However, at this point, it is important to understand the reasons that led to this turmoil and what the removal of Khan from office means for Pakistan. Within this framework, several experts from Turkey and Pakistan have briefly analyzed the events and their implications, not only for Pakistan but for the region and the world as well.

Experts Respond: President Erdoğan’s Visit to Uzbekistan, Bilateral Relations and Regional Impact

To make sense of the Turkish president’s visit to Uzbekistan and its implications for bilateral relations as well as regional affairs, we hereby present the opinions of five leading experts.

Experts Respond President Erdoğan s Visit to Uzbekistan Bilateral Relations
Global leadership crisis The U S hegemony vs China

Global leadership crisis: The U.S. hegemony vs. China

The U.S. is no longer on the throne as the world's sole superpower. Although the country tried to take measures against the strong rise of China, even U.S. allies have begun to establish close ties with China


Whether Joe Biden can put an end to the U.S. constantly losing power and influence in world politics is still a mystery

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's participation in the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa last week was significant for Turkey's search for a new direction.

Despite strong volatilies in the exchange rate due to global factors, Turkey's economic risk levels are not objectively assessed

A quick look at the West's treatment of Turkey over the past decade reveals that Mr. Erdoğan's disappointment isn't some emotional reaction but a structural transformation already underway

The new format of deeper and comprehensive Turkish-Russian cooperation after Aug. 9 will include added military and geostrategic elements

With 57 member states, the OIC, which is the second largest international organization, is extremely difficult to govern with diverse national interests and alliances

In line with its multidimensional foreign policy line in recent years, Ankara adopted an attitude of proactive engagement with major regional institutional organizations such as the Arab League, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and the African Union.

China is ruled by a regime blinded by rich anger and has determined to adopt unpeaceful regional plans and strategies behind the efforts to assimilate diversities and eliminate opponents in East Turkestan.

The increasing timidity of Western democracies to pursue the principle of responsibility to protect at an international level is leaving the Chinese government with the freedom to oppress .