Qatari Foreign Policy in a Precarious Decade

This book is a bid to analyze the Qatari proactive foreign policy in the precarious decade of 2011-2021, which commenced with the protests that hit several Arab capitals and ended with the Gulf reconciliation that put an end to the three and a half years of the Gulf row.

Qatari Foreign Policy in a Precarious Decade
Experts Respond How will the deadly earthquakes impact Türkiye s

Experts Respond: How will the deadly earthquakes impact Türkiye’s foreign relations?

Southern Türkiye was jolted by twin earthquakes on February 6 that caused unprecedented devastation across an extremely vast area, impacting 11 provinces. Almost on par with the scale of the devastation, Türkiye has also received a huge amount of humanitarian aid from many countries with which Türkiye both has cordial and strained relations. In light of the considerable level of solidarity showcased by many countries, it is still unclear whether this atmosphere of solidarity and amicability will translate into tangible outcomes in the respective bilateral relations between Türkiye and these nations. Likewise, it is also unclear whether the solidarity displayed by countries with which Türkiye had tense relations until the earthquakes will cause a thaw in bilateral ties and lead to a new chapter in relations. We asked foreign policy experts to weigh in on these questions.


What is the background and significance of the Turkish foreign minister’s visit to Washington? What are the differences and similarities between the two countries’ Ukraine policies? Will the U.S. sell F-16s to Türkiye? What is Türkiye’s position on Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership? What is Washington’s view on Türkiye’s engagement with the Syrian regime?

In this new volume of SETA Security Radar, we analyze the main dynamics shaping Türkiye’s security and geopolitical landscape with references to the most significant foreign policy and security issues throughout 2022.

What is the purpose of the European Political Community? Is it a realistic proposal? If the Community is formed, how will the EU’s relations with other countries included in the Community be affected? Several experts presented their opinions about these questions for SETA.

Outer space and the related studies emerged once again as a strategically important domain in a military sense among countries with access to space. In this regard, space technologies and the ability to access space are viewed as a kind of force multiplier in the military terminology. Indeed, the ability to defend oneself from one’s enemies, the development of new space weapons and access to all areas for intelligence purposes serve to further strengthen any given nation’s army. This report takes into consideration the global trends to provide a comprehensive analysis of the above-mentioned points.

Experts Respond: The Upheaval in Iran | The Protests, Which Erupted Following Mahsa Amini’s Death in Detention, in Their Third Week

We asked the leading Iran experts in Turkey and around the world to analyze the reasons behind the protests in Iran, the demands of the protestors, the Iranian administration’s attitude, the likely future of the protests and their impact on Iran. We present the assessments of those experts below.

Experts Respond The Upheaval in Iran The Protests Which Erupted
Assessing the Role of the United Nations in Asia Today

Assessing the Role of the United Nations in Asia Today

This study’s primary objective is to assess the current function of the United Nations in Asia.


The importance of addressing the effectiveness of the roles of the U.N. in Africa comes in the wake of the increasing frequency of criticism and growing demands for equitable representation of the continent in the agencies of the international organization, especially the Security Council.

This analysis examines the main contributions of Latin America and the Caribbean to the United Nations system and the position of the Latin American countries on the proposals to change and reform the United Nations Security Council.

The quantification of fronts began to attract interest in the late twentieth century with the development of new concepts like the electronic order of battle, electronic warfare, information warfare and network-centered operations.

We reached out to several experts for more on how to understand the developments in Iraq and what possible future scenarios may be derived from the current situation.

This report sheds light on the key aspects of EW by focusing on global trends and analyzing Turkish capabilities.

In this collection of essays, we discuss how NATO can overcome strategic challenges and recalibrate the strength of the alliance under the new geopolitical circumstances. The essays in this report focus on NATO’s transformations after the Ukraine war and attempt to understand Türkiye’s foreign policy alternatives within the context of its relations with the West, Russia, and NATO.

This paper consists of two main parts. In the first part, it explains the main priorities that NATO is focusing on by elaborating on the Russian attack on Ukraine, the China challenge, and the changing character of military and non-military threats. In the second part, the paper delivers a framework to make sense of why Türkiye particularly attaches unique significance to some issues. It concludes that Türkiye will continue to support NATO endeavors but the country expects its allies to cooperate on counterterrorism efforts and also expects calibrated and meaningful engagement in Greek-Turkish disagreements.

This analysis examines the reasons behind Greece’s policy of escalating tension and whether that policy has any legal ground.

This analysis initially provides a basic scope for the Asia Anew Initiative, which has been followed with interest due to the fact that it has not yet published a policy document. Again, it examines the aims of Asia, its contributions to international politics, its differences from the strategies toward Asia produced by different actors, and its relationship with the basic dynamics of Turkish foreign policy. Secondly, it analyzes the strategic fit between the Asia Anew Initiative and the Turkish defense industry by examining the sector successes realized in parallel with the interest of the Turkish defense industry in the Southeast Asian region, which is one of the sub-regions focused on by the Asia Anew Initiative.

While Dbeibah is motivated to go to elections this year to get out of this impasse, international community’s preoccupation with the war in Ukraine renders Libya elections less of a priority for international diplomacy.

In this report in the first section, the emerging unmanned military platforms and smart systems produced by Turkey and their impact on military norms and practices in several conflict areas will be discussed. In the second section, the questions of how these technologies are shaping Turkey’s ties with buyer countries, trends, and competition in the drone market will be answered

The political situation in Pakistan is still not stable, and a new government is expected to be formed soon. However, at this point, it is important to understand the reasons that led to this turmoil and what the removal of Khan from office means for Pakistan. Within this framework, several experts from Turkey and Pakistan have briefly analyzed the events and their implications, not only for Pakistan but for the region and the world as well.

To make sense of the Turkish president’s visit to Uzbekistan and its implications for bilateral relations as well as regional affairs, we hereby present the opinions of five leading experts.