Q&A: Syrian Refugees Caught Between Asylum and War

In the shadow of on-going discussions about the integration and legal status of Syrians living in Turkey, Yavuz Güçtürk, a researcher at SETA’s Law and Human Rights Department, made an assessment on the current position of Syrian refugees who have preferred forced displacement over war.

Q amp amp A Syrian Refugees Caught Between Asylum and
International Conference on the Geopolitics of Energy

International Conference on the Geopolitics of Energy

The conference brings together experts, academics, media representatives and bureaucrats on supply and demand side of conventional/unconventional and alternative energy security issue from Turkey and abroad including USA, Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Israel, Turkmenistan and Italy.


Taha Özhan: Hosting Massoud Barzani in Diyarbakır is a significant turning point which has a consistent decade-old background history, and we may regard it as an ultimate-point for the state.

Kılıç Buğra Kanat: A possible U.S. intervention will not end the civil war. However, in a more optimistic look, it is possible to expect that the strike will seriously damage Assad’s conventional forces and give opposition groups serious advantages.

Ulutaş: On-going detentions and massacres in Egypt have shut the door for a political solution in the country.

Croatia has officially become the 28th member state of the European Union on 1 July, 2013. Croatia’s membership to the European Union will probably pave the way for numerous political and economic developments and changes in the Balkans.