Calm before the political storm of June

Turkey has a very busy agenda ahead of itself for the month of June..

Calm before the political storm of June
Reading the new developments in the Middle East

Reading the new developments in the Middle East

In a quest to assure stability in the region, Turkey has to find new, more active, regional partners and maintain its opposition against the unilateral policies of foreign players


The Middle East has been experiencing turmoil since the Arab Spring uprisings and revolutions. A process of counterrevolution started with the military coup in Egypt in 2013. Much of the regional mayhem stems from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi-led efforts to reverse the democratization process initiated with the Arab uprisings and discourage any popular demands.

The Warsaw Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East, held on Feb. 13-14, was hosted by the U.S. Department of State and the Polish Foreign Ministry.

Two meetings took place earlier this week in Warsaw and Sochi that were crucial for the future of the Middle East.

If the aggressive foreign policy of the Riyadh administration continues, Saudi Arabia will become more isolated than ever, as the cases of Qatar and Morocco clearly indicate

Lost in the Middle East

Since the beginning of the Arab uprisings and revolutions in 2011, Turkey has been targeted by Western states because it has been supporting the demands of regional powers and its people.

Lost in the Middle East
Trump's America Failed withdrawal or worse

Trump's America: Failed withdrawal or worse?

The Trump administration has been sending mixed signals about reducing the U.S. military footprint around the world and launching new interventions.


With the start of Arab insurgencies and revolutions, the Middle East has been experiencing a great transformation for the last eight years. The process of change continues in the region, but its direction is still unknown. One thing is clear, the regional balance of power is unstable and there has been a comprehensive reshuffle.

The United States has been following unsteady Middle East policies, especially in the Syrian crisis.

It has been more than three weeks since U.S. President Donald Trump made his announcement about his decision to withdraw American troops from Syria. Trump's decision immediately created controversy in Washington. Many officials, advisers, and members of the U.S. Congress advised the president to reconsider or at least revise his withdrawal decision.

The U.S.' withdrawal from Syria is a significant step that will influence the future of the Syrian crisis.

The Middle East is at risk in confronting a major systematic change as regional countries cannot remain safe amid domestic and external conflicts

For the time being, Washington and Ankara find themselves in a favorable position to hold talks and the two must now take constructive, concrete steps regarding potential flashpoints in the region

Two prominent regional powers in the Middle East made headlines this week for entirely different reasons.

The mainstream global media, using its wide network of facilities, portrays Palestinians defending their freedom as enemies rebelling against the ‘peaceful' Israeli state

Turkey's response to the Khashoggi affair has remained solid and serious since the very beginning and this stance has thwarted some from using the case as a political tool

The killing of Jamal Khashoggi, a well-known Saudi journalist, an intellectual and a contributor to The Washington Post, will be remembered as a milestone for Saudi Middle Eastern policy.

Almost every foreign policy crisis in the United States in the last few years has shown the difficulty of responding due to the lack of a strategy or coordination.

The missing or killing of the Saudi journalist and intellectual, Jamal Khashoggi, will be remembered as a milestone not only for Saudi domestic politics, but also for the international perception of the Saudi regime.

The disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi will fuel anti-Riyadh sentiment in the Western world and damage Saudi Arabia's reputation across the globe