Trump's Iran strategy: A new challenge to Turkey-US relations

Trump's new strategy on Iran and the nuclear deal is likely to also have a huge impact on U.S. allies in the region

Trump's Iran strategy A new challenge to Turkey-US relations
Turkey-U S Visa Crisis Deeper than It Seems

Turkey-U.S. Visa Crisis Deeper than It Seems

This crisis is a major test for the future of the relations. The two, as NATO allies, need to work together in order to stabilize the conflicts in the Middle East and prevent security risks.


The idea of "strategic partnership" - let alone what President Obama once hailed as "model partnership"- means little, if anything at all. At this point, Turks of all political backgrounds are convinced that Washington is being hostile toward their country.

Turkish-U.S. relations are going through neither a structural crisis nor conjectural tension. I think relations are experiencing structural tension.

Moving forward, Washington must take the time to understand Turkey's frustration and engage in qualified cooperation with Ankara in certain areas. A review of Washington's policy on FETÖ, for instance, could go a long way.

Turkey's cooperation with Iran in Iraq and Syria will likely set new developments in motion across the Middle East

Cooperation with Russia and Iran: is Turkey Joining the Eurasian Axis?

Turkey's Western allies, which conveniently turned a blind eye to Ankara's vital interests, have effectively compelled the Turks to work more closely with Moscow and Tehran.

Cooperation with Russia and Iran is Turkey Joining the Eurasian
KRG Referendum Has Opened a Pandora's Box

KRG Referendum Has Opened a Pandora's Box

Barzani is likely to discover that he committed an existential mistake when the chain reactions from his drive for independence begin to emerge


The Kurdish nationalists who believe that the time is right for a referendum seem unable to keep their ambitions under control

If Turkey-U.S. relations are intended to head for a fresh start rather than a collapse, Washington must revise its Middle East policies, especially the leftovers from the Obama administration on Syria, Iraq and Iran

Operation Euphrates Shield, an overdue incursion that ended in success, clearly took the Turkish military's technical capabilities to the next level and strengthened Turkey's ties with local partners

Although there is a different administration in the U.S. right now, the memory of broken promises from the Obama era, particularly about Syria, will continue to haunt Turkish-U.S. relations

Ankara's objectives, closely associated with homeland and border security issues, obligated it to take military measures

With the first anniversary of last summer's coup attempt – one of the most significant events in the history of Turkey's multi-party democracy – around the corner, all parties must act with due care and vigilance. Both security forces and protesters need to act responsibly

Turkey does not rightfully believe the U.S.'s empty promises and is determined to continue its fight against terrorist groups in Syria

The Gulf clearly wants to fuel polarization between Sunnis and Shiites in the region to contain Iran and, believing Turkey's partnership with Qatar to be an obstacle before their agenda, wants to sever Doha's ties with Ankara

The U.S. administration should already know that not having a strategy is not the best way to go and inaction is not the least risky approach to the conflict. There are too many variables and too many actors involved in this conflict

The Brussels summit must be a milestone for NATO to determine a road map to truly fight against worldwide terrorism

Under the circumstances, it was no surprise that the NATO summit was not a complete disaster and instead an opportunity for the U.S. and the European Union to start talking about key issues.

The new security doctrine of Turkey can be commented as a re-constructed and effective fusion of multidimensional diplomacy and defense policy.

How can the U.S. guarantee against possible aggression from the YPG to Turkey following the attack?