Turkish foreign policy towards Afghanistan

Turkey is viewed favorably in Afghanistan due to the long-standing ties between the countries, though Ankara has stressed that it will act in coordination with its allies

Turkish foreign policy towards Afghanistan
Can EU formulate an autonomous policy in Afghanistan

Can EU formulate an autonomous policy in Afghanistan?

The United States and the European Union do not share the same views on Afghanistan. In the midst of a new crisis, Europe needs more autonomous foreign policy planning and implementation


The U.S. invaded Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban regime, but left the country to a much stronger Taliban. After 20 years of occupation, this withdrawal has brought about many regional consequences for the U.S.

Daesh attack highlights the multitude of challenges that the Taliban face in Afghanistan. Forming a new government, which would include members of the old administration and local groups, may not be the hardest part after all.

Turkey is evacuating Afghanistan cautiously optimistic about the Taliban's next steps and ready to engage with the country on another level

The opposition, which accuses Erdoğan of collaborating with the U.S. on the issue of Afghan refugees, is trying to give Erdoğan lessons in anti-imperialism. It is ridiculous to criticize a leader who has consistently shown a clear and strong stance against imperialism for many years

Implications of Taliban takeover for the United States

America has reached the peak of its loss of power and authority, a decline that started on Sep. 11, 2001, and that has culminated in the Taliban's recent takeover of Afghanistan. After this process, it is now a question of how the balance of power in the world will shift

Implications of Taliban takeover for the United States
What is the Taliban-related rhetoric in Turkey

What is the Taliban-related rhetoric in Turkey?

The Turkish opposition succeeded in placing the blame on Turkey's government for the Taliban's seizure of power in Afghanistan. The opposition needs to stop terrorizing the public by references to "Talibanization"


After the Taliban took over Afghanistan, many question marks about the future of the country remain. Will Afghanistan choose to cooperate with anti-American countries or will it continue to incorporate radical groups at the expense of its relations?

The U.S. withdrawal has shown that the Afghan war is never-ending and meaningless

Xenophobia, a growing political tendency of the West, affects Muslims the most. It is time for Europe and non-Western countries to recognize anti-Islam activities as a form of racism and fight against it

Washington's gradual disengagement strategy from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has taken a new shape as news continues to arrive from Vienna on the renewed talks related to Iran's nuclear file.

The European Union and the United States were approaching Turkey using the language of sanctions and political pressure rather than empathy and genuine understanding of the country's vulnerabilities.

Ankara-based think tank hosts virtual conference to seek way forward for peace in war-torn Afghanistan

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Turkey and Pakistan have always had a particularly close relationship. During the Turkish War of Independence, India's Muslim community contributed to the war effort. That affinity evolved into a deeply-rooted fraternity upon the foundation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Some people believe that Tehran's response to the Qassem Soleimani assassination resulted in an easing of tensions between the United States and Iran. They argue that the Iranians, intimidated, landed on a symbolic act of retaliation – which they proceeded to portray as vengeance on the home front.

The title of my last Daily Sabah column from last year was: “Turkey in 2019: From an Emerging Economy to an Emerging Power.” The article showed how, over the course of just one year, Turkey proved that its economy was robust enough to resist the sustained economic and political attacks inflicted upon it over the last several years and that its military is strong enough to influence global multilateral platforms and sit at the negotiation table as an equal partner with some of the most influential global powers, including the United States and Russia.

Insight Turkey, one of the leading academic journals in Turkey, in its latest issue entitled as “Turkey’s New Foreign Policy: A Quest for Autonomy,” resonates on the importance of Turkey’s increasing role and effectiveness in the international realm.

The modern world is dominated by nation-states, i.e. the Westphalian system. Although theoretically the concepts of nation and state overlap, in reality, they do not. The nation-state is a political institution that is not based on ethnicities, culture or religion. There are two main characteristics of nation-states: the most significant is territory, and the second is citizenship, as the only political link between the nation-state and the people of that territory. In principle, it covers every individual who lives in the country during the establishment process.