Turkey's Struggle with DAESH: New Opportunities

Hitting DAESH targets in northern Syria, Turkey destroys the hopes of those who have been using the region through the terror organization as a basement to carry their deadly policies

Turkey's Struggle with DAESH New Opportunities
The Mission of the US President Should He She Accept

The Mission of the US President: Should He/She Accept It...

In the next six months this political tension can be elevated by the candidates and have serious societal repercussions, possibly leading to the emergence or empowerment of marginal and radical groups.


U.S. foreign policy failed to come up with a policy that would pressure Iran to play a more responsible role in Yemen. As a result of this inaction, other countries in the surrounding region became involved in the situation militarily.

The Palestinian cause and Israeli aggression were at the heart of both former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser's popularity and the Iranian revolution's efforts to take down the status quo.

What really is the so-called Islamic world? How accurate is it to describe a group of Muslim countries, incapable of taking charge of their future and resolving their own issues, as the Islamic world?

U.S. President Barack Obama headed to Asia for multi-country tour that will include Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia.

The Ukrainian Crisis As a New Chessboard of Global Geopolitics

The crisis in Ukraine is yet another serious test of U.S. leadership in terms of its international alliances, guarantees and assurances.

The Ukrainian Crisis As a New Chessboard of Global Geopolitics
Is the Nuclear Deal with Iran Beginning of a New

Is the Nuclear Deal with Iran Beginning of a New Period?

An agreement that included almost all of the terms in the recent deal had been signed among Turkey, Brazil and Iran in 2010.


Unless the US immediately broadens its perspective, there will be no guarantees that the new agreement with Iran will not suffer the same fate the Tehran agreement Turkey and Brazil achieved three years ago.

If Iran under Rouhani’s leadership adopts a foreign policy based on less defiance and more cooperation, it can contribute to Turkey’s regional vision that prioritizes stability and peace.

Yıldız Technıcal Unıversıty Facult Of Economıcs And Admınıstratıve Scıences Seta 100 Anniversary Of Yildiz Technical University Mıddle East And Securıty-II

"All options are on the table” is the best phrase to describe how Turkey feels about Israel’s attack on humanitarian aid flotilla carrying more than 600 activists from 32 countries. What happened on Sunday night is a real game changer. Israel will, most likely, no longer be seen as a friendly state nor an ally, but will be treated as a rogue state by Turkey.

SETA Washington D.C. hosted FM of the Republic of Turkey His Excellency Ahmet Davutoglu. Davutoglu delivered a keynote speech entitled " Principles of Turkish Foreign Policy" followed by a panel discussion on "Changing Direction? Discussing Turkish Foreign Policy" featuring Taha Ozhan, Director General of SETA Foundation, Cengiz Candar, Senior Columnist for Radikal Newspaper, Prof. Bulent Aras of SETA Foundation, and Prof. Fuat Keyman of Koc University. December 8, 2009 Grand Ballroom, Mayflower Hotel, Washington D.C. 12.15pm EST

Prof. Efraim Inbar - whose works on Turkish-Israeli relations deserve much credit - recently wrote an op-ed piece "An open letter to my Turkish friends" in The Jerusalem Post in which he paints a grotesque picture of Turkey's new foreign policy vision and domestic political developments. It misleadingly confines the multi-dimensional Turkish foreign policy vision to politics of ideology that is reminiscent of the Cold War years.

All attention in the region is on Iran again. The new incentive package proposed by the European Union does not seem to have persuaded Tehran.

Iranian nuclear issue has serious implications for regional and international security and as such requires a comprehensive analysis of the Iranian domestic power structure, foreign policy decision making process and nuclear diplomacy.