A new Phenomenon of Assadism!

Those who insisted that al-Assad was there to stay for a long time, after a bomb went off in Damascus, moved onto the second propaganda phase.

A new Phenomenon of Assadism
The Syrian Crisis and The Future of Turkey's New' CHP

The Syrian Crisis and The Future of Turkey's ‘New' CHP

If Turkey’s CHP believes that they are up to the task of running the country, the Syrian crisis may serve as a great opportunity to convince the still doubtful voters.


The Syrian regime, with its latest move, has cleared the path for Turkey to be a more legitimate and involved actor of the current crisis.

In the last decade, the Turkish Republic has experienced the most difficult breaking points in its history since its establishment.

The “New Egypt” will be shaped to a great extent by a “negotiation” process between the army and the political actors in opposition. It is likely that Egypt’s transition to democracy will be a long and difficult process.

The Kurdish political movement and PKK maintain discourses and activities similar to the ones they exhibited in old Turkey.

The New Middle East and Turkish Foreign Policy

Arab Spring has placed Turkey’s proactive Middle East policy at the top of international attention once again.

The New Middle East and Turkish Foreign Policy
The New Middle East One Year After the First Flotilla

The New Middle East: One Year After the First Flotilla

‘What are the implications for the Palestinian problem?’ and discuss the New Middle East a year after the first flotilla and in the wake of the Arab Spring.
