This time around, Washington serves to ease tensions, as the Trump administration made a $12-billion military deal and decided to hold joint exercises with Qatar.
There was no surprise in seeing open or covert U.S. support for various military coups, taking sides in civil wars, or instigating military invasions to "liberate" countries
Unfortunately, the ambitions of regional powers stop them from addressing pressing problems. The Qatar crisis is a case in point.
Turkish policy makers backing Doha is a highly significant approach to reconcile Qatar and its opposition
The attempt to politically ostracise the tiny emirate is more likely to isolate Riyadh than to bring Qatar to its knees.
Washington's flawed Daesh policy, which was cooked for Barack Obama and reheated for Mr. Trump, pushed regional powers to use terrorist groups as proxies.
Turkey and India are among the developing countries trying to change their role in the international system. Noting that the U.N. Security Council remains ineffective and unjust, both nations often call for reform.
In recent years, Mr. Erdoğan has included the common themes of conservatism, nationalism and Islamism, the main pillars of Turkish politics, in his discourse and policies to the best of his ability and under the prevailing conditions.
This is the second edition of the annual European Islamophobia Report (EIR) which was presented for the first time in 2015.
If the West wants to do business with the Turks, it must acknowledge that what Mr. Erdoğan represents will be part and parcel of Turkey's future
The Europeans are destroying the possibility of cooperating with Turkey to pursue mutual, rational interests as they retain their anti-Erdoğan sentiments
The U.K.'s Brexit episode set a useful precedent for Turkey's future mode of engagement with Europe
The mistreatment of Kaya and peaceful Turkish protesters by the Dutch police cannot be reduced to a pragmatic polarization between the two countries.
In order to become a key player in the Middle East again, Washington needs to repair its damaged relations with Ankara
The Trump administration must adopt a reasonable policy both in domestic and foreign platforms and not allow the world to become a place where every actor loses in the end
Despite support from several countries, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is under pressure from within. Increasing security concerns, terror attacks in the Sinai, economic issues and foreign policy problems threaten the future of his regime.
Since the reversal of recent popular revolutions in the Arab world and the loss of political stability in the wake of several failed states, foreign meddling and proxy wars created a vicious circle whereby radicalism fed instability and instability fed deeper radicalism.
The future seems almost dark for Western values which are under attack by the revival of racism, populism, Islamphobia and xenephobia in societies
A quick look at the West's treatment of Turkey over the past decade reveals that Mr. Erdoğan's disappointment isn't some emotional reaction but a structural transformation already underway
Below the iceberg, Gülenism has a real face, a dark obscurantist zeal for world domination, in terms of its goals, and the path chosen to achieve them contradicts almost everything that is Western. As this Janus-faced structure of the Gülenists unfolds, the interests and ideals of the West will fall apart.
Turkish citizens who live in the bordering cities feel anxious. These fears trigger skepticism and may lead to polarization among different identity groups in Turkey.