Washington's Hasty Return To Syria

The United States wants to get involved in the Syrian crisis again – rapidly and effectively.

Washington's Hasty Return To Syria
Washington's Hasty Return to Syria

Washington's Hasty Return to Syria

The United States wants to get involved in the Syrian crisis again rapidly and effectively.


While the whole world braces itself for potential surprises to be displayed by the Trump administration, U.S.-China relations will be especially critical from both a global geopolitics and political economy perspective

It was no secret that the Obama administration has long maintained the strategy of pursuing controlled confrontation with Vladimir Putin's Russia via micro-conflicts in multiple confrontation zones such as the Asia-Pacific, Ukraine and Syria

Despite strong volatilies in the exchange rate due to global factors, Turkey's economic risk levels are not objectively assessed

When the larger picture that takes the "Trump factor" and rising global economic tensions into account is analyzed, it is clear that the turbulent period in the global economy might be with the U.S. well into the medium term.

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In the next six months this political tension can be elevated by the candidates and have serious societal repercussions, possibly leading to the emergence or empowerment of marginal and radical groups.


Decoupling from a global economic trend is a difficult task; but Turkey did a good job in implementing first generation reforms. Why not again?

A presidential system will also allow better macro-policy coordination among the Finance, Development, Industry and Social Security Ministries and international trade, as there will be a clear line of upward hierarchy and better performance monitoring.

The recent visit of President Erdogan to Cuba, Mexico and Colombia was designed as a strategic move to increase bilateral relations with key countries.

As an emerging power from the Middle East and North Africa, Turkey must be more visible in Latin America and we very likely will be.

Turkey could be very active in pushing for a better deal from the IMF and the World Trade Organization (WTO) for developing countries in the context of crisis prevention strategies and the advancement of the Doha Development Agenda.

Turkey's policy entrepreneurship within the G-20 has been weaker compared to similar middle powers, but holding the rotating presidency presents a golden opportunity to upgrade its activism in economic diplomacy platforms.

The fact that Turkey will take over the presidency of the G-20 from Australia on Dec. 1, 2014 is a critical development in terms of Turkey's ongoing efforts to establish itself as a major emerging power with a strong voice on global issues.

Turkey successful combination of fiscal discipline and welfare policies yielded desired results. The next step forward requires more R&D spending

Although the 19th century was the European century and the 20th century was the American century, it is forecasted that the 21st century will transform into a more global century led by Asia.

Syria, which is the most wounding issue we face today, has turned into yet another test for the global platforms.

The world and Turkey, especially within the last five years, have experienced head-spinning events. In fact, the turbulent environment of the last five years does not indicate anything but an even more difficult year ahead.