The words "We ask God to rescue us from this suffering. I'm 53 years old and have seen enough.
Turkey, which has experienced a number of military interventions and coup attempts, needs to rewrite the current constitution which is ironically the product of the Sept. 12 military coup.
The policymakers in Ankara are required to accomplish a structural transformation program for socio-economic development, while fighting a low-intensity war in the southeast and overcoming the international repercussions of the crisis with Russia. Not an easy job for sure. But then, who said that politics was an easy job?
Talha Köse said the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government stands by the promises to Alevis in Turkey.
To cover his relation with DAESH, which came to light when Turkey downed the Russian jet for violating its airspace, Putin, with false evidence, accused Turkey of supporting the terror organization.
As the rotating president and host of the summit, Turkey has made giving a voice to developing countries and emerging markets its main priority on the agenda of its presidency and is looking to reform global governance to provide more inclusiveness in the market.
It might be a quite saddening but crystal clear truth that democratic values, principles and institutions that claim to be universal do not apply to Western perceptions of political development in Turkey or the Middle East in general.
As the electorate goes to the polls for a critical repeat election on Nov. 1, Turkey is longing for the virtuous circle of political and economic stability it became used to between 2002 and 2015.
The Turkish people need to dig deep to find their shared values and restore their sense of reality in order to make room for a new kind of politics with peace, democracy and national interests in its core.
The moral of this true story for starters on Turkey is to never take anything at face value in Turkey's wild politics.
Are the current protests in Turkey the product of democratisation that has taken place over the last decade?
If Erdoğan can overcome 19th century positivism, then we can have our participatory democracy and Erdoğan can finally be free of accusations of totalitarianism.
Protests constitute not only a revolt against the AK Party but also a reaction against the lack of efficient opposition.
An analysis on the identity and message of the protesters should take into consideration the heterogeneity of protesters.
In its capacity as a wake-up call for all, the demonstrations will go down in Turkeys political history as a constructive, democratic statement if all parties work together to establish common ground for dialogue and progress.