Three kinds of engagement with the United States

Washington's decision to develop a new Middle East policy geared toward protecting Israel's narrow and ultra-nationalist interests alone created a new trend in regional affairs.

Three kinds of engagement with the United States
Regional polarization and Turkey's Gulf policy

Regional polarization and Turkey's Gulf policy

In the midst of the Saudi-Iranian polarization, that is promoted by many to stir up new troubles in the Middle East, Turkey seeks to pursue a balancing policy


We need to see that a big, malevolent game is being played. Of course, regional countries' faulty strategies, steps to save the day and especially elites' efforts to gain ground in domestic politics catalyze foreign powers' manipulations and interventions. However, it is indisputable that the region is currently facing a new policy of disintegration plotted by foreign powers.

In retrospect, this neo-medieval order did not emerge by happenstance or as a result of sporadic developments, but as a result of a deliberate, flexible and long-term regional transformation strategy conducted by the U.S. and its interlocutors.

The crown prince's grip on power, which has received the blessing of the United States, Israel and the Gulf, has been accompanied by powerful rhetoric of reform, a new vision, development and fighting corruption.

The growing rift between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which recently caused Lebanese PM Hariri to resign, will soon impact others in the region, too

SETA General Coordinator Professor Duran: I don't believe Meral Akşener is the Candidate who could replace Erdoğan

Despite the push to present Meral Akşener, the chairwoman of the newly established İYİ Party, as an alternative candidate against President Erdoğan in the run up to the 2019 presidential elections, Professor Duran thinks this will not translate into results, as a true candidate for the opposition parties is yet to be identified

SETA General Coordinator Professor Duran I don't believe Meral Akşener
Dis advantages of the Iran Nuclear Deal for the US

(Dis)advantages of the Iran Nuclear Deal for the US

Decision by the U.S. administration and Congress will have a variety of ramifications for politics in the Middle East and U.S. relations with its partners in the nuclear deal. Remember that actions of the U.S. administration will be judged with U.S. actions and inactions that have taken place in recent years in the Middle East.


The U.S. identified a new priority: The containment of Iran. Having secured the support of Israel and several Gulf countries, the U.S. president recently unveiled a new, strongly-worded Iran strategy. And he refused to certify the Iran nuclear deal to compel Congress to take action.

The KRG referendum established that regional powers could work together when it comes to preserving the territorial integrity of others.

A new report by SETA and Theirworld highlights the need to overcome language barriers and urges for more international aid to sustain the education of Syrian refugees, 41 percent of school-aged children are still not in school

With or without Obama's policies, it is high time for the Trump administration to do something in the Middle East

This time around, Washington serves to ease tensions, as the Trump administration made a $12-billion military deal and decided to hold joint exercises with Qatar.

Unfortunately, the ambitions of regional powers stop them from addressing pressing problems. The Qatar crisis is a case in point.

SETA Foreign Policy Studies Director Ufuk Ulutaş said that the recent Gulf crisis is an attempt to redesign Middle East politics and it is not about the alleged support of terrorism by Qatar, but rather a result of Qatar following its own terms in regional matters.

It is true that the Iran expansionism is one of the great threats that must be stopped. However, Trump's current policy on Iran could only cause more chaos and terror in the Middle East

The analysis outlines the process through which the EU-Turkey Joint Action Plan (JAP) on refugees came into being and examines the impact of the agreement, including its challenges and successes.

The U.S.'s gameplan with the YPG militants, again, evidently fails to find a solution to the clashes in the region

To make the region stronger and politically more powerful, Turkey and the Gulf states should shoulder the responsibility and start taking steps to develop a close mutual cooperation

Iran looks like the winner of the current regional game, however in the long run, it cannot sustain its policies, the cost of which will continue to rise, politically, militarily and economically

Turkey is the main humanitarian actor on the ground spearheading intense shuttle diplomacy with Russia for a peaceful resolution of the Aleppo crisis