Azerbaijan and the Rise of Turkic Unity: The Journey of the Organization of Turkic States

This commentary delves into the evolution of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), highlighting its transformation from a consultative mechanism to a robust international entity with geostrategic significance. The paper examines key developments such as the Shusha Declaration, the impact of the Second Karabakh War, and the strategic partnership among Turkic states in the context of global geopolitical dynamics. The paper focuses on Azerbaijan’s vision of the development of the Turkic unity, some historical aspects, which preceded the idea of the Turkic unity, and contemporary trends in the regional and global politics, which gave impetus to the enhancement of the OTS. The conclusion highlights the importance of Turkic unity as it stands out more prominently in the complex geopolitical environment and posits that trends make it necessary to strengthen and develop cooperation among the Turkic states.

Azerbaijan and the Rise of Turkic Unity The Journey of
In Astana a new step toward integration

In Astana, a new step toward integration

The pursuit of Turkic integration has been a cornerstone of Turkish foreign policy in recent years. That development was directly linked to the Central Asian republics “opening up” and seeking to perform a “balancing act” between the great powers. This also included Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan’s opening up to the world. At the same time, the ever-stronger strategic partnership between Türkiye and Azerbaijan changes the regional balance of power.


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited Kazakhstan earlier this week to attend the 10th Summit of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS). In addition to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Kyrgyzstan's President Sadyr Japarov, Erdoğan met his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev and attended the meeting of the OTS heads of states. The Turkish leader returned to Türkiye following his meeting with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on Friday.

Pipeline enables Türkiye to play crucial role in reducing Nakhchivan’s dependence on Iran for gas, says Turkish researcher

Natural disasters, wars, and economic collapse tend to seriously undermine social order and make it impossible to address even people’s most basic needs. During such periods, it becomes difficult for communities to feed themselves, find shelter, receive medical attention, relocate, and communicate with others. Individuals and communities have provided emergency assistance to such individuals, without expecting anything in return, to address basic needs like food, shelter, and medical treatment throughout history.

This issue of Insight Turkey covers a wide range of topics while providing an insightful analysis of regional developments, with a particular focus on the Middle East, with pieces on the recent protests in Iran, the political instability in Iraq, COVID-19 impact on Palestinians, and the EU. Additionally, our last issue of 2022 includes insightful pieces on energy rivalry in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

New steps for integration of Turkic world in Samarkand

Last week, I traveled to Samarkand, Uzbekistan as part of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s official delegation to attend the 9th Summit of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) Summit. At last year’s Istanbul Summit, the entity had taken a major step toward integration by transforming itself from a council to a full-fledged organization.

New steps for integration of Turkic world in Samarkand
Experts Respond President Erdoğan s Visit to Uzbekistan Bilateral Relations

Experts Respond: President Erdoğan’s Visit to Uzbekistan, Bilateral Relations and Regional Impact

To make sense of the Turkish president’s visit to Uzbekistan and its implications for bilateral relations as well as regional affairs, we hereby present the opinions of five leading experts.


Considering the Russian president's strategies, the question is whether there can be a third option somewhere between war and reconciliation

As a country where Russian, American, Chinese and other foreign companies have invested, Kazakhstan cannot address problems by isolating itself or overhauling its multidimensional foreign policy.

As Turkey grows stronger, it must develop a new kind of relationship with not just the Western alliance but also Russia. The Black Sea may be a geopolitical space where that claim will be put to the test.

The move by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to "spread the war" and to ensure the intervention of great powers into the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has come to nothing.

With no Daesh-held territories left and McGurk, Votel gone, time for the US to seriously reassess the role of CENTCOM and its policies

Earlier this week, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan along with a large delegation, including myself. The top two items on the agenda were the economic integration of the Turkic world and the fight against the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ).

Turkey and Uzbekistan have had tense relations for decades.

Turkey and China have forged a good economic and political relationship in the current decade. Both countries provide great economic, political, and strategic opportunities for each other in their own regions. Turkey and China have forged a good economic and political relationship in the current decade. Both countries provide great economic, political, and strategic opportunities for each other in their own regions. Despite Ankara’s effort to push for a more integrated Uyghur community in Xinjiang under the Chinese Administration, the current difficulties transformed the issue into a problem area between China and Turkey. Turkey’s reiteration of its one-China policy may motivate China to display certain signs of improvement on the conditions of the Uyghur people. There is still considerable need to strengthen the relationship between Turkey and China and transform it into a strategic partnership. Realization of this prospect requires more systematic effort from both countries.