As the Erdoğan-Biden meeting approaches...

The national conversation in Turkey remains focused on domestic politics as we get closer and closer to a critical meeting in the international arena where President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is set to meet U.S. President Joe Biden for the first time, on the margins of the June 14 NATO summit.

As the Erdoğan-Biden meeting approaches
Who will stop Israel

Who will stop Israel?

While unclear how long ceasefire will last, only real solution -however long-term it may be- seems to be rise of a regional state capable of counterbalancing US and Israel


The Palestinian people once again showed the Israeli government and the world that they will not surrender to Israeli occupation. In spite of the Israeli war machine, the strong support from global and regional powers and the convenient regional atmosphere, the Israeli government could not silence the Palestinian people.

Netanyahu’s act of provocation did not just start a new war in Gaza. It established that the Biden administration’s lip service to human rights did not apply to the question of Jerusalem.

Israel has been keeping millions of Palestinians under prison camp conditions for years and depriving them of their basic rights for the last 15 years. Whenever Palestinian people try to resist Israel's inhumane policies and atrocities, they are severely punished by the Israeli government and condemned by the Western governments.

Israel continued bombing Gaza on the second day of Ramadan Bayram, also known as Eid al-Fitr. At least 197 Palestinians have been killed in the attacks according to the latest tally. Unfortunately, that number may be even higher by the time you read this article. There is just one important question on everyone's minds: “Who’s going to stop Israel?”

Mainstream radicalism in Israel: A long-term threat

The tensions purposefully escalated by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's administration and Israeli extreme right groups have added more bloodshed to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Mainstream radicalism in Israel A long-term threat
Jerusalem will not be another Andalusia

Jerusalem will not be another Andalusia

The Palestinian youth thus, told the entire world that Jerusalem will not be another Andalusia.


Today, the entire world is witnessing Israeli violations in occupied Palestinian territories as Tel Aviv continues to particularly target peaceful worshipers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan.

Expectations need to be moderated despite the optimism

Last week, the International Criminal Court (ICC) ruled it would extend its jurisdiction to the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, including the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

For most people, the year 2020 will be remembered with negative developments, some of which have influenced many states and people throughout the world.

The current international system is in deep crisis because its main actors, including the U.S. and many other Western countries, do not respect its principles. Most Western countries nowadays have put aside the main principles of the international system, namely liberal democracy and the liberal economy.

For Western capitals, a Turkey led by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is a problem they do not know how to manage. It has also been election campaign material for politicians since Brexit. You can be sure that the Erdoğan factor will persist in election campaigns in Germany in 2021 and in France in 2022.

The UAE-Israel deal is simple a formalization of bilateral relations under the auspices of the U.S.

Despotic Arab regimes must cooperate with western states, Israel to maintain power, says analyst

As the world learns to live with the new normal in the post-pandemic period, all the ancient wars of words in Turkey’s political arena are already back. For days, the Turkish people have been talking about subtle hints from the Republican People’s Party (CHP) about a military coup, hate speech on social media, the future of political alliances and the prospect of newly established parties signing parliamentarians "on loan."

After three elections, Israel’s new coalition government was finally sworn in on Sunday. Likud’s Benjamin Netanyahu will serve as prime minister for the government’s first 18 months before being replaced by Blue and White leader Benny Gantz. The end of Israel’s government crisis stands to fuel fresh tensions in the Middle East. Israeli expansionism will be at the top of the country’s agenda during the hot summer months of the 72nd year of the Nakba.

This critically important book includes chapters both contextualizing and discussing the U.S. administration’s Jerusalem declaration in great detail. Various sections authored by American, Latin American, European, and Turkish authors examine the international responses to the U.S. President Trump’s declaration.

Insight Turkey, one of the leading academic journals in Turkey, in its first issue for 2020, aims to bring to its readers a comprehensive framework on the current situation of the Israeli-Palestinian question and whether there will be a deal to this problem or not. Therefore, this issue entitled as “The Ordeal of the Century,” with the contribution of leading experts in this area, highlights different subjects regarding the Israeli-Palestinian issue while focusing on different perspectives and dimensions of the problem.

The 'Deal of the Century' announced by U.S. President Donald Trump on Jan. 29 has been handled by the global media in a way that can be considered novel. That discourse, the like of which we have seldom ever encountered, was reflected both in written content and in photos. Images provided by global news agencies like Reuters and AP revealed content that can be viewed as "critical of Israel." Various mainstream media organizations ranging from The Guardian, Washington Post and BBC to The New York Times have published pieces and opinions criticizing the "Deal of the Century."