Astana Summit Places Science and Technology at Forefront

The first ever OIC Summit on Science and Technology started a historical process through which multifaceted issues related to scientific research, higher education reform, financing and the commercialization of technology began to be discussed as strategic priorities

Astana Summit Places Science and Technology at Forefront
Turkey Leads Global Humanitarian Diplomacy for the Rohingya

Turkey Leads Global Humanitarian Diplomacy for the Rohingya

In the wake of sorrowing international apathy, Turkey endeavors to spearhead efforts to coordinate humanitarian diplomacy to assist the Rohingya Muslims despite its geographical distance


Macron's latest statement on Erdoğan shows the French president fails to keep himself away from the rising orientalist fantasies among EU leaders

According to United Nations records, Rohingyas constitute the most persecuted minority in the world. Their persecution has continued almost uninterrupted for decades.

There is a smear campaign that started ahead of the April 2017 constitutional referendum that aims to prevent Erdoğan's re-election in 2019

Following successive firings in the White House, it is really hard to predict the future of the new U.S. foreign policy

“Trump’s America” – The Latest Issue of Insight Turkey Is Published

In this issue, Insight Turkey, deals with the events in world politics with the interpretation of Turkish and foreign authors. The issue discusses how U.S. President Donald Trump won the presidential election, and the changes and challenges that Trump brought to the U.S. domestic and foreign policy.

Trump s America The Latest Issue of Insight Turkey Is
The Global War on Islam

The Global War on Islam

The July 15 coup attempt in Turkey can be described as an operation that was made as part of the global war on Islam


Although FETÖ has been crippled already, it is not possible to rule out the short- and long-term threats

Even if the ongoing row around Al-Aqsa Mosque ends peacefully, new tensions fueled by Israel for its interests will continue appearing

The endemic conflict in Jerusalem indicates that the days of 'Pax-Ottomana' have passed, but the emotional attachment of Turks and Muslims to the cause of Al-Aqsa as a matter of honor is here to stay

China is trying to complete its internal consolidation and regional connectivity through initiatives. However, patient observers will not have to wait long to witness the gradual transformation of China's cautious attitude into one of global, diplomatic proactivity

This time around, Washington serves to ease tensions, as the Trump administration made a $12-billion military deal and decided to hold joint exercises with Qatar.

There was no surprise in seeing open or covert U.S. support for various military coups, taking sides in civil wars, or instigating military invasions to "liberate" countries

Under the circumstances, it was no surprise that the NATO summit was not a complete disaster and instead an opportunity for the U.S. and the European Union to start talking about key issues.

If the US insists on supporting the YPG against Turkey's wishes, Syria's post-ISIL stability is going to be in peril.

Turkey, along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel, is trying to develop a new kind of relationship with the Trump administration – which still looks unpredictable

Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar could be leading forces for such a strong alliance.

There is a message for all in President Erdoğan's criticism of Chancellor Merkel's use of the phrase ‘Islamist terror,' as Muslims are the real victims of the terrorism

The phone call between presidents Erdoğan and Trump was the warmest development in Turkey-U.S. relations since Obama's cold calls in past years. However, now, Turkish people need to focus on rational interests and diplomacy rather than act based on feelings

Mr. Erdoğan's reaction to his guest's references to "Islamist terrorism" provided valuable insights into their conversation