Will Merkel Follow in Trump's Footsteps?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel needs to learn certain lessons from Charlottesville. Mrs. Merkel, who lays claim to the leadership of the free world in the face of Mr. Trump's populism, could be following in his footsteps without even knowing it

Will Merkel Follow in Trump's Footsteps
Trump s America The Latest Issue of Insight Turkey Is

“Trump’s America” – The Latest Issue of Insight Turkey Is Published

In this issue, Insight Turkey, deals with the events in world politics with the interpretation of Turkish and foreign authors. The issue discusses how U.S. President Donald Trump won the presidential election, and the changes and challenges that Trump brought to the U.S. domestic and foreign policy.


The latest terrorist attack in Barcelona at the popular Las Ramblas tourist attraction, known from George Orwell's "Homage to Catalonia," killed 13 people and constitutes the most recent unfortunate incident in this context

As long as the AK Party continues to blend a commitment to transforming Turkey and an eagerness to protect it from attacks, the opposition will continue to feel inadequate

Trump does not seem to face much difficulty in finding allies in the Middle East who associate their national interests with perpetual tension and instability

The current crisis is a prelude to Qatar's disciplining, the deeper polarization between Iran and the Gulf and the undermining of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas

Trump's Middle East Tour and the Brussels Summit

Under the circumstances, it was no surprise that the NATO summit was not a complete disaster and instead an opportunity for the U.S. and the European Union to start talking about key issues.

Trump's Middle East Tour and the Brussels Summit
Will NATO Summit Allow for Global Struggle against Global Terrorism

Will NATO Summit Allow for Global Struggle against Global Terrorism?

Without NATO members' active involvement, it is impossible to reach a positive conclusion in the fight against global terror


All major political movements in Turkey have already started planning for the 2019 election

Turkey will have adopted a new system of government capable of overcoming parliamentarianism's structural crises when the vote count ends

The potential oppressive environment that the new U.S. administration could create has already gripped Europe. Europe is not in a position to create a concrete response in the face of the Russian threat. In such an environment and due to the negative steps taken against Turkey, it is not possible for Europe to maintain its clout and moral superiority among Turkey's political elite or its public

If the 'no' campaign wins the constitutional referendum, the circles seeking to damage Turkey's national interests will find a gateway to meddle in Turkish politics

The old continent is rapidly losing its promise to preserve human dignity, fundamental rights and liberties in the deep abyss of its exaggerated fears

Today this dichotomy carries no meaning anymore on the current European political stage, neither for Europe's domestic politics nor in terms of its regard toward Turkey. Identity politics has prevailed over strategy in Europe

If the US insists on supporting the YPG against Turkey's wishes, Syria's post-ISIL stability is going to be in peril.

Turkey, along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel, is trying to develop a new kind of relationship with the Trump administration – which still looks unpredictable

Turkey wanted to strengthen bilateral relations and increase trade volumes with Gulf nations against the backdrop of global chaos

In the Middle East, the Trump administration wants to defeat Daesh in the short run and then focus on containing Tehran's regional hegemony

Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar could be leading forces for such a strong alliance.

There is a message for all in President Erdoğan's criticism of Chancellor Merkel's use of the phrase ‘Islamist terror,' as Muslims are the real victims of the terrorism

The phone call between presidents Erdoğan and Trump was the warmest development in Turkey-U.S. relations since Obama's cold calls in past years. However, now, Turkish people need to focus on rational interests and diplomacy rather than act based on feelings