The ‘Diplomat Sheikh' Period in Iran

As Rouhani is a moderate man of reconciliation and dialogue, expectations about adopting a different line of politics in Iran have increased both inside and outside.

The Diplomat Sheikh' Period in Iran
Character Assassination

Character Assassination

It is certain that the character assassination targeting PM Erdoğan through the Gezi Park protests does not expect to reach a conclusion right now. The aim of the character assassination is to obliterate Erdoğan’s decision-making capacity by 2015. At this point, Erdoğan’s leadership test begins.


Unlike what many suppose, democracy is a regime where conservative governments’ conservative policies do not constitute ground for accusations of authoritarianism.

Recent demonstrations have revealed a polarized Turkish society. The only way forward is through genuine dialogue.

If Erdoğan can overcome 19th century positivism, then we can have our participatory democracy and Erdoğan can finally be free of accusations of totalitarianism.

Abdullah Yegin*: The possibility of fine calculated moves of the Ayetollah should not be overlooked.

‘Turkey Distress' in Syria!

Most of the evaluations that have been made by the media and political circles regarding Turkish foreign policy in Syria have three characteristics in common: They are void of Syria, baseless and conspiratorial.

Turkey Distress' in Syria
Kurdish Peace Process The Latest Phase of De-Securitisation Politics

Kurdish Peace Process: The Latest Phase of De-Securitisation Politics

The reshuffling of Turkey's domestic and foreign policy over the last decade has finally led to a solution for Kurds.


Judging from the scene revealed by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party), the paradigm has bankrupted and the transition to a new order has already begun since the world of friends and enemies who stood by the tutelage regime for years is totally confused now.

Erdoğan carried the country away from an undeclared bankruptcy into a great transformation in 10 years.

A far-right party, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), owes its post-1980 existence to a great extent to the Kurdish issue and the terrorist acts of the PKK.

With the occupation in Iraq, the primitive Middle Eastern eco-system, and with the Arab revolts, the Camp David order collapsed. The new regional order is being rapidly shaped by the new actors at the cost of the century-old status quo.

The messages coming from the Imrali during the solution process reflect the efforts for creating a new conceptual frame to settle in the legitimate-center.

Belated Kurdish nationalism perhaps could not give anything to the Kurds, but it surely bestowed at least 20 years to the regime of tutelage for it to survive.

Given the projected direction and strategic vision of the message and notions used in the statement, this message represents a mental transformation and a paradigm change.

The message of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan promises, with its most general terms, a quite different world from the 30-year-old clichés.

The United States (US) and the West wait to see clearly who will win and when in Syria. While waiting, however, they lose both in Syria and in the region.

During the Feb.28 post-modern coup process, the judiciary was pressured via briefings. Prosecutors and judges who did not rule as they were asked from them were relegated.

One of the fundamental issues and the source of ‘fear’ for many in the West after the revolution in Egypt was a possible radical change in the foreign policy area. But what has changed in the foreign policy of Egypt after the revolution?