Mr. Putin is planning to showcase his military's power in the Middle East and the Mediterranean.
The arrival of U.S. F-16s in Turkey has been called a game changer not only in the fight against ISIS but also in reshaping the Middle East, Syria and Iraq in particular.
Talha Köse elaborated that the PKK has used Rojava, Kobani and Suruç attacks as a pretext to mobilize armed groups on the ground.
Here is a political hyperreality: Turkey, while fighting against all terrorist groups in the region, is somehow being portrayed to the world as if it is ignoring the threat.
Assistant Professor Bayraklı said that the majority of the Kurdish population voted for the Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) to back-up the peace process. But, the PKK misinterpreted the June 7 election results as a clear approval of their policies, and exploited the peace process.
The fight against ISIS necessitates an agreement between Turkey and the international coalition to counteract ISIS and protect the countries bordering ISIS-controlled areas.
The shocking aspect of the wave of terrorist violence that struck Turkey this week was that it originated from the radical-Islamist ISIS and secular-Kurdish nationalist PKK at the same time.
Hoping that the PYD will deal with ISIS in the region does not seem to be realistic and, furthermore, could generate further destabilizing ethnic tensions in the region.
Murat Yeşiltaş stressed that Turkey is mainly concerned about the fragility of the ethnic balance in Northern Syria and does not want to see any possible armed conflict between Kurds and Arabs.