Morsi's Death Sentence

The Arab Spring represented the hope of democratization across the Middle East. Had the Tahrir revolution survived, the Muslim world could have had an entirely different future.

Morsi's Death Sentence
Q amp amp A Syrian Refugees Caught Between Asylum and

Q&A: Syrian Refugees Caught Between Asylum and War

In the shadow of on-going discussions about the integration and legal status of Syrians living in Turkey, Yavuz Güçtürk, a researcher at SETA’s Law and Human Rights Department, made an assessment on the current position of Syrian refugees who have preferred forced displacement over war.


Israel has emerged unchallenged despite the level of its impunity this year. This evasion speaks to the international pattern where state officials' voice outrage against its impunity but do not follow up with concrete sanctions.

Addressing the problem on both sides of the border would necessitate a more comprehensive strategy. The new strategy should involve actions more than PR campaigns and newspaper headlines.

Turkey showed great political leadership and pushed for accelerated integration with her Middle Eastern neighbors up until the explosion of the Syrian War and the military coup in Egypt.

What really is the so-called Islamic world? How accurate is it to describe a group of Muslim countries, incapable of taking charge of their future and resolving their own issues, as the Islamic world?

Saving Gaza From Our Fears

Concerted action against repeated and unlawful aggression on the part of Israel, which behaves like an "anachronic colonial state," should start from demystification of its endless power perception and alleviation of various fears in the Muslim world.

Saving Gaza From Our Fears
Why Israeli Apartheid Week Deserves Attention

Why Israeli Apartheid Week Deserves Attention

The Palestinian cause has always been somewhat internationalized, however, frequently this support fails to spur action and holds actors involved in sustaining Israeli apartheid


For how long will the perpetrators behind the killings in Syria be left to the conscience of real politics instead of international law as it was the case in the Bosnian War?

What should be expected from international law in the face of the crimes committed against humanity in Syria?