Turkey Will Continue to Surprise

Turkey will continue to surprise the endemic pessimists and return to a high and sustained path of growth after the completion of structural reforms.

Turkey Will Continue to Surprise
Turkey Needs a Development-Friendly Central Bank

Turkey Needs a Development-Friendly Central Bank

As for now, the Turkish Central Bank stands loyal to its neoliberal legal framework and continues to aim for inflation control at the expense of other macroeconomic goals.


How exactly can we draw the boundaries of institutional independence, and which acts by political actors could be interpreted as enchroacing upon those boundaries?

So, while market-based explanations try to present historical dynamics and highlight various aspects of a complicated development, conspiracy theories offer clear simplicity and elegance.

The business elite in TÜSİAD circles never saw the AK Party governments as a natural partner with whom they could forge a long-term and strategic developmental alliance.

Turkey's presidency of the G20 in 2015 presents a golden opportunity to bring crucial development issues to the global governance agenda and stimulate dynamism of its national economy by forming new diplomatic and commercial linkages.

Testing Times for Turkey

Turkey is going through challenging times from a number of angles, but fortunately, there is sufficient political and administrative capacity as well as crisis management experience to overcome these challenges.

Testing Times for Turkey
Aug 10 and the New Economic Paradigm

Aug 10 and the New Economic Paradigm

The new paradigm should prioritize improvements in national savings and productivity increases in advanced manufacturing sectors via comprehensive investments in elite human potential, new forms of infrastructure and technological capacity.
