The outcome of the Tehran summit

The Tehran trilateral summit did not result in the best solution to the crisis in Idlib, but it was a good starting point for the peace process

The outcome of the Tehran summit
Balancing against American hegemony

Balancing against American hegemony

The current American administration, led by an ultra-nationalist and xenophobic politician, has abandoned the traditional principles of American hegemony, namely liberal democracy and the free market


Resistance to the coup attempt is a major turning point in Turkey's political history and a critical threshold in its capacity to deal with illegal networks and groups

Astriking headline, "America Alone," on the cover of the latest issue of Time illuminated the sad state of U.S. foreign policy in the international system.

Effective policy coordination and clarified functions are desperately needed from the democratically elected branches of the U.S. government, especially from Congress and the White House, but chances for improvement on those fronts are grim

International humanitarian agencies should make concrete contributions to the Ankara's efforts to stop the suffering of the Rohingya people

Turkey Leads Global Humanitarian Diplomacy for the Rohingya

In the wake of sorrowing international apathy, Turkey endeavors to spearhead efforts to coordinate humanitarian diplomacy to assist the Rohingya Muslims despite its geographical distance

Turkey Leads Global Humanitarian Diplomacy for the Rohingya
Cry For Aleppo and the Global Leadership Gap

Cry For Aleppo and the Global Leadership Gap

Turkey is the main humanitarian actor on the ground spearheading intense shuttle diplomacy with Russia for a peaceful resolution of the Aleppo crisis


There will be five issues on the agenda of the summit, including preventing and ending conflict, respecting the rules of war, leaving no one behind, working differently to end need and investing in humanity.

The international community has failed in the case of the Syrian civil war as the number of refugees increased expotentially

With 57 member states, the OIC, which is the second largest international organization, is extremely difficult to govern with diverse national interests and alliances

There is an urgent need to systematically advance the integration of the refugee community into formal employment as well as national education system so that the accumulation of potential social tensions might be prevented from the start

Although abounding in energy sources compared to other regions, the Middle East suffers from the increasing significance of the energy market in shaping the nations' foreign policy in the 21st century.

No mention of the Syrian crisis and the issue of human rights on the agenda of the upcoming summit between the leaders of China and the U.S. is a clear sign of the irresponsibility of these two superpowers on global problems.

The perspective of European countries on human rights and autocratic regimes in the Middle East needs to take a more humanitarian form so as to end the ongoing civil wars.

The Kurdish political movements in both Syria and Turkey should give up being pragmatists in order to have pragmatic gains. The Kurdish political movements should also give up being opportunists in order to benefit from the opportunities in the region.

We will see in the coming days if these operations in Iraq are some face saving measures for the Obama administration or a real attempt by the U.S. administration to start fulfilling its great power responsibilities.

Some Western nations, including the United States, are likely to be irked by a Turkey that intensifies its Somalia policy and takes other steps with the aim of restoring area balances, but that is the only way in which Turkey could contribute to bringing durable peace.

UN wants to see the al-Assad regime, which killed most of the 8,000+ people killed during demonstrations, to allow people to protest freely.

Any regional conflict in the Balkans, would not only allow the countries to drift into turmoil, but would also threaten the security of Europe.