Russia, Iran planning to declare victory over Idlib

Regime leader Assad wants to claim victory over Idlib to prove he has Syrian lands under his control, says analyst

Russia Iran planning to declare victory over Idlib
Three questions surrounding the Idlib crisis

Three questions surrounding the Idlib crisis

It is crucial that the international community concentrates on diplomatic efforts to revive the political process, and it must also put more pressure on Russia, Iran and the Assad regime to prevent the imminent military offensive against Idlib


The Tehran trilateral summit did not result in the best solution to the crisis in Idlib, but it was a good starting point for the peace process

Syrian regime forces are preparing to launch a major military operation against opposition-led groups in the Idlib province of northern Syria.

Credibility of US government with a president as 'erratic' as Trump is greatly diminished, says expert

The U.S. president continues straining his country's ties with Ankara by making irrational and undiplomatic moves against Turkish national interests

A 'strategic storm' in Turkey-US relations?

The above-mentioned sanctions marked the beginning of a new era in Turkey-U.S. relations..

A 'strategic storm' in Turkey-US relations
The Helsinki summit's impact on the Middle East

The Helsinki summit's impact on the Middle East

The Helsinki summit between presidents Trump and Putin reaffirmed that Russia, not the United States, is the top dog in Syria


Resistance to the coup attempt is a major turning point in Turkey's political history and a critical threshold in its capacity to deal with illegal networks and groups

With the new system, Turkey has now caught a great chance to develop comprehensive policies to build a better future and prevent turmoil

Dieser Bericht ist als Teil des englischsprachigen European Islamophobia Report entstanden. Der Österreichische Islamophobie-Bericht 2017 bildet dabei den Länderbericht für Österreich ab. Ziel dieses Berichtes ist es, die Entwicklung und den Status Quo von Islamophobie im jeweiligen Kalenderjahr aufzuzeigen.

The trade war between the U.S. and China will not remain confined to the two, but could have huge impacts on many other actors in the global system

Turkey went through another successful election. In addition to a peaceful campaign season with vibrant political promotions by the candidates, Turkish voters went to the polls to vote for their favorite candidates on election day.

European states have established an anti-Erdoğan and anti-AK Party international coalition in the run up to the June 24 elections

The CHP and HDP are trying to hand in hand to prevent the Turkish government from increasing its fight against the PKK and FETÖ terrorist groups

Opposition presidential candidates İnce and Akşener only have vague commitments on how to restore the parliamentary system

The oppositions' presidential candidates, i.e. Muharrem Ince, Temel Karamollaoğlu and Meral Akşener, are calling for the release of Selahattin Demirtaş, who is supported by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), from prison.

Conflictual and exclusivist foreign policies are simply zero-sum games; the normalization of politics in the Middle East requires balanced relations among regional states

The return of Syrians to Syria should be a combined international effort. While the murder of a Syrian woman in Adapazarı is still fresh in our minds, political parties are playing with fire by fueling a hatred of Syrians

Turkey's upcoming elections remain on the agenda of world politics. While Turkey, as the heir of the Ottoman Empire, seemed to lose her status of being a great state, she has gradually realized her historical role after the end of the Cold War.

The first mission for the leaders of the Islamic world would be to display unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian cause and oppose unilateral provocations to determine the international status of Al-Quds