Morsi's Death Sentence

The Arab Spring represented the hope of democratization across the Middle East. Had the Tahrir revolution survived, the Muslim world could have had an entirely different future.

Morsi's Death Sentence
Palestinian Sovereignty Between International Recognition and Security Coordination

Palestinian Sovereignty: Between International Recognition and Security Coordination

It is imperative to rethink how to frame security around the question of Israel-Palestine within policy-making circles.


There can be no security for Israel if Palestinians do not have their basic rights.

During his term in office, Davutoglu withstood domestic and international attacks with grace and passed every political stress test.

What did Israel want to achieve in its latest assault on Gaza? What does the Palestinian reconciliation reveal at this current stage of the Israeli Palestinian conflict? Have the international and regional perceptions changed with this latest attack on Gaza?

The rationale behind Turkey's policies reflecting its cultural capital, in turn, relates to the country's redefinition of its national interests, which manifest themselves in the form of Turkey's strong reactions against the military junta in Egypt and Israeli oppression in Gaza.

Israel's Moment of Madness

Almost every Zionist practice that Palestine has had to endure bear either direct or symbolic resemblance to Nazi policies.

Israel's Moment of Madness
Saving Gaza From Our Fears

Saving Gaza From Our Fears

Concerted action against repeated and unlawful aggression on the part of Israel, which behaves like an "anachronic colonial state," should start from demystification of its endless power perception and alleviation of various fears in the Muslim world.
