Trump's new strategy on Iran and the nuclear deal is likely to also have a huge impact on U.S. allies in the region
The Trump administration, which is still completing its first year, has so far not produced any result other than consolidating Moscow in the Middle East.
Turkey's cooperation with Iran in Iraq and Syria will likely set new developments in motion across the Middle East
Trump’s foreign policy and security team members more or less agree that Iran constituted a major problem for the region.
The Kurdish nationalists who believe that the time is right for a referendum seem unable to keep their ambitions under control
In terms of safeguarding regional stability, the key issue is protecting the territorial integrity of even the most fragile states in the Middle East through collaborative efforts
No doubt, the Gulf Crisis has already shaken delicate balances and left the Gulf vulnerable to various provocations from outside as well
In the wake of sorrowing international apathy, Turkey endeavors to spearhead efforts to coordinate humanitarian diplomacy to assist the Rohingya Muslims despite its geographical distance
According to United Nations records, Rohingyas constitute the most persecuted minority in the world. Their persecution has continued almost uninterrupted for decades.
China is trying to complete its internal consolidation and regional connectivity through initiatives. However, patient observers will not have to wait long to witness the gradual transformation of China's cautious attitude into one of global, diplomatic proactivity
The Trump administration seems to be taking some initiatives now that the deadline has passed in the Gulf crisis
Turkey, as the only regional power with a strong state and democracy, is being lured into the Gulf crisis, but it is working to avoid the trap
The Gulf clearly wants to fuel polarization between Sunnis and Shiites in the region to contain Iran and, believing Turkey's partnership with Qatar to be an obstacle before their agenda, wants to sever Doha's ties with Ankara
Turkey's stabilizing role as a functioning democracy and strong market economy will be in higher demand in the coming months
At such a period of time, more constructive policies that will not lead to another conflict in the Gulf and the Middle East are needed
Gulf nations must realize the danger of their current policies in the region and do something about it
Although diplomatic attempts may resolve the conflict at the political level, at the public level, it will be harder to fix the damage if these countries continue to blockade Qatar, especially during the holy month of Ramadan.
Trump does not seem to face much difficulty in finding allies in the Middle East who associate their national interests with perpetual tension and instability
The recent developments in international politics show us that the U.S. seems to have already lost its superpower statue
The current crisis is a prelude to Qatar's disciplining, the deeper polarization between Iran and the Gulf and the undermining of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas
Under the circumstances, it was no surprise that the NATO summit was not a complete disaster and instead an opportunity for the U.S. and the European Union to start talking about key issues.