Islamophobes contemplate a civil war in France

The escalating violence in French media continues to worsen every day. I am surprised that my fellow citizens are encouraging a possible civil war in France with calmness and serenity, as if it were a normal scenario we should anticipate in the short or long term.

Islamophobes contemplate a civil war in France
Reviving the UN makes the world safer

Reviving the UN makes the world safer

Almost everyone agrees that there is a need for serious change in the structure of the U.N. However, there is no agreement on the nature and the direction of this change


“Reclaiming the Region: Russia, the West and the Middle East,” is the last issue for 2017, which has been a very successful year for Insight Turkey. As with the previous issues, we trust that our readers will find this issue informative and constructive!

The West does not seem to be bothered much about the rising tide of micro-nationalism in the Middle East, which is categorically perceived as an endemic conflict zone

If Turkey-U.S. relations are intended to head for a fresh start rather than a collapse, Washington must revise its Middle East policies, especially the leftovers from the Obama administration on Syria, Iraq and Iran

The international community must do its best in order to stop the the massacre of Rohingya Muslims and this time not allow another tragedy to happen in the world

Plight of Rohingyas Engulfed in Great Power Struggles

According to United Nations records, Rohingyas constitute the most persecuted minority in the world. Their persecution has continued almost uninterrupted for decades.

Plight of Rohingyas Engulfed in Great Power Struggles
Everybody Knows Who Killed Whom

Everybody Knows Who Killed Whom

Once recognized as a human rights icon, Aung San Suu Kyi now rules a country that violates the most basic rights of its Rohingya minority, including the right to life


In this issue, Insight Turkey, deals with the events in world politics with the interpretation of Turkish and foreign authors. The issue discusses how U.S. President Donald Trump won the presidential election, and the changes and challenges that Trump brought to the U.S. domestic and foreign policy.

The Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army needs to liberate al-Bab and reinforce the safe zone with moderates who left eastern Aleppo under the Turkey-Russia deal

At the end of the day, Obama did not act and the people of Syria suffered. This will continue to haunt his foreign policy legacy

Iran is trying to establish its own area of influence before Trump is sworn in and points to Iran as the main other in the Middle East

There is a genocide going on in Aleppo in front of the eyes of the entire world; civilians are being killed indiscriminately, without a care for whether man or woman, child or adult, child, young or old

Focus mustly not on the ideological, but the practical benefits of keeping Washington on the agenda

The German resolution does not help in the improvement of the relations between Turkey and Germany; it only encourages Armenia to deny any possible discussion with Turkey.

Merkel's gamble on the Turkey-EU deal resulted in Germany's diplomatic deadlock. From now on she will have to work hard to avoid losing Turkey's friendship

Germany recognizing the 1915 Armenian incidents as genocide is another strategic move to push Turkey in a corner for the sake of the EU, with no regard for the chaos in the Middle East - proof that the EU is ideologically blind

Iraq and Syria will haunt Obama's legacy in the future and, for many, the emergence and rise of DAESH and failure to destroy the organization will also leave a stain

Criticizing Turkey has been a popular sport in Western capitals. It would appear that they will continue talking for some time. In April, their main focus will be charges of Armenian genocide, to which Turkey must respond with rational policies able to cut through the noise.

Since Erdoğan ended the old habit of the pro-West intelligentsia in Turkey, he has been portrayed as a sultan, and Turkey as an authoritarian state