The Role of Islam in Turkish Foreign Policy

The rationale behind Turkey's policies reflecting its cultural capital, in turn, relates to the country's redefinition of its national interests, which manifest themselves in the form of Turkey's strong reactions against the military junta in Egypt and Israeli oppression in Gaza.

The Role of Islam in Turkish Foreign Policy
Ukraine Gaza and the New World Order

Ukraine, Gaza and the New World Order

It is becoming increasingly clear with every international crisis that the world order is moving towards a more balanced and multipolar structure in which a multiplicity of actors are holding numerous instruments of influence against each other.


Almost every Zionist practice that Palestine has had to endure bear either direct or symbolic resemblance to Nazi policies.

The US president’s appeasement of Israel would shame his former dining partners, whose own stories capture America’s problematic relationship with the Middle East.

Turkey showed great political leadership and pushed for accelerated integration with her Middle Eastern neighbors up until the explosion of the Syrian War and the military coup in Egypt.

The broken trust and lack of credibility may necessitate a lot more effort, resource and time allocated to repair those relationships. While the U.S. was imagining a world without her, it could face a U.S. without the world.

Saving Gaza From Our Fears

Concerted action against repeated and unlawful aggression on the part of Israel, which behaves like an "anachronic colonial state," should start from demystification of its endless power perception and alleviation of various fears in the Muslim world.

Saving Gaza From Our Fears
Turkey and the Israel Problem

Turkey and the Israel Problem

The normalising of Turkey-Israel relations since the establishment of Israel in the19th century has been strained by default.


Today, Israel does exactly the same thing as 2008 and 2012, as the Gaza massacres merely attest to a shallow strategy. It spills blood yet again in Ramadan 2014.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, since his outburst at Davos, has been declared to be “totalitarian” in Western media organs, mostly by pro-Israel pundits.

Corruption cases have a devastating impact on political parties. Turkey was recently hit by a corruption probe that shook the country's government. On December 17, 2013, Turkish police detained over 50 people as part of an investigation into alleged corruption.

What does Ennahda movement do in order not to share the same fate with the Morsi administration in Egypt and what are the difficulties it comes across?

Where will the Syrian crisis spread to? What will the region be like today if there had not been a Syrian crisis? Could the Syrian crisis lead the region into an even worse crisis?

It is possible to say that the Mohammed Morsi government in Egypt is about to end. However, a power struggle in which the Muslim Brotherhood is to play the leading actor of the political future of the country has just begun.

It is certain that the character assassination targeting PM Erdoğan through the Gezi Park protests does not expect to reach a conclusion right now. The aim of the character assassination is to obliterate Erdoğan’s decision-making capacity by 2015. At this point, Erdoğan’s leadership test begins.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan paying a visit to the United States attended a conference, “Global Order and Justice in the 21st Century” organized by SETA in Washington D.C.

Whatever happens, relations between the two countries cannot and will not reach the high level of cooperation between Turkey’s pro-coup elites and Israel in the late 1990s.

In addition to a big plus in the diplomatic success column of Turkey, for the sake of being realistic however, the structural issues such as the Turkish-Israeli conflict over the regional vision and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, etc. should be taken into consideration.