Clinton vs. Trump: Clash of Economic Visions

American society is still healing the wounds of the global crisis and the socio-economic damage that crisis left on the social fabric, which inevitably feeds ultra-nationalistic and xenophobic tendencies.

Clinton vs Trump Clash of Economic Visions
The Need for a New World Order and the World

The Need for a New World Order and the World Energy Congress

President Erdoğan once again succinctly criticized global inequalities and mentioned the lack of access to energy in different parts of the world and how this lack brings with it serious crises


Turkey has no choice but to implement a counterterrorism policy capable of addressing region-wide challenges related to the de facto unification of Syria and Iraq.

Ankara is firmly back in action as an emerging power acting proactively in regional and global matters

This time, Turkey participated in the G20 summit in a far more strong and self-confident mood than in previous years.

Operation Euphrates Shield has mobilized the Syria equation again and accelerated the political process. It also came to light that the quelling of the July 15 coup attempt intensified Turkey's counter-terror activities both in Syria and Northern Iraq

Economic Administration in Turkey after the New Government

The new Cabinet's main focus will be economic growth in both the short and long term. With President Erdoğan as catalyst, the renewed AK Party under the leadership of PM Yıldırım will shape the economic administration in a rational and pragmatic manner

Economic Administration in Turkey after the New Government
Offshore Financial Centers and Global Inequality

Offshore Financial Centers and Global Inequality

The existence of tax havens thanks to legal loopholes must be problematized from an ethical perspective that places the alleviation of poverty and global income disparities at its epicenter


Turkey's ascendancy as a middle power and regional play-maker in the Middle East went pretty well up until 2011 but has faced multifaceted difficulties and challenges afterward, especially in the wake of the escalation of the Syrian civil war.

Western actors especially should consider revising their positions on Syria and the refugee crisis before exerting pressure on Ankara, which has already taken in 2.7 million refugees and spent $9 billion for their care.

DAESH has taken the glorification of violence to the next level by targeting public squares and ordinary people in Ankara and Paris, making nobody anywhere safe anymore.

Accusing Islam of the attacks in Paris rather than DAESH, the terrorist organization, with no association whatsoever to the religion itself, will only serve to further spread Islamophobia, not end terrorism.

The Syrian refugee crisis, escalating terror attacks and global economic growth were the headlining topics of the G20 Leaders Summit successfully hosted by President Erdoğan.

Turkey has a government that could realize political stability and economic reforms, which will make the following four years predictable.

This tragic incident in Paris once again reminded the world that the threat of terrorism is real and present and we need an international effort to deal with this growing threat.

As the rotating president and host of the summit, Turkey has made giving a voice to developing countries and emerging markets its main priority on the agenda of its presidency and is looking to reform global governance to provide more inclusiveness in the market.

American administration does not want a serious role in Iraq anymore, at least not under Obama's leadership. The next president should volunteer to make serious political investments and be a sponsor for the political rapprochement in Iraq. Without a rapprochement in Iraq and Syria, the chaos will continue and ISIS will make use of it to last longer.