From Past to Present Academic Freedom in Turkey

This study offers a chronological account of the historical development of academic freedom in the world and in Turkey.

From Past to Present Academic Freedom in Turkey
New Media Environments in Turkey

New Media Environments in Turkey

Since the Justice and Development Party's (AK Party) rule, the field diversified as mainstream and marginal media became more pluralized. Mainstream media has diversified and reflected societal demands, political positions and differences.


Freedom of religion and worship is a fundamental human right that everyone should enjoy regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality or religious preference. The right to follow a particular religion and practice its rituals is recognized as legitimate by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights.

Turkey is deadlocked again over the headscarf issue. The matter is about more than lifting or enforcing the headscarf ban. As in all critical issues, it goes to the heart of the established order.