Positive momentum in Turkish-Spanish relations

With a mutual-interest-based approach, the two countries can further improve their ties at the political, economic and social levels

Positive momentum in Turkish-Spanish relations

In today's global and regional developments, the Western world's otherizing and alienating of Turkey is nothing but an ideological blindness

Erdoğan’s foreign policy remains true to the tradition of Turkish modernization. As the republic gets ready for its second century, there is continuity and complementation, not contrast, between Atatürk and Erdoğan.

The economic relations between Turkey and Germany play a constructive role despite political crises and challenges while also contributing to resolving regional and global problems

From the war on terror to the Eastern Mediterranean puzzle, the president discussed a series of serious issues with his counterparts Biden and Macron at the G-20 gathering

The century’s most exceptional elections in Turkey

The year 2023 has symbolic significance for the people of Turkey. The most crucial questions are where have we reached after 100 years and what the next century holds for us.

The century s most exceptional elections in Turkey
What changed in Turkish-German ties during Merkel era

What changed in Turkish-German ties during Merkel era?

Merkel’s last 16 years in office will be recorded in history as one of the most active periods in Turkish-German relations. Erdoğan and Merkel’s efforts to act as two rational actors on the axis of mutual interests became the main driving forces of this 16-year dynamism.


The 10 envoys failed to act in line with the global norms of diplomacy and violated common values that serve as the backbone of international relations

Those 10 foreign ambassadors could serve their countries better if they stopped making such statements and instead promoted a new kind of relationship that recognizes Turkey’s interests and considerations.

The ambassadors chose the wrong path and attempted to interfere in Turkish domestic affairs. This is why Ankara's stance is right

From that perspective, Erdoğan does not just 'arrest' the West. He also makes concrete proposals for building a new order. As such, Erdoğan’s vision does not chase some utopia. It is completely practical.

Ankara should also continue its call for Athens to return to constructive neighborly relations and pave the path toward that direction.

Turkey has been following a policy combining the second and the third styles of politics. Turkey has adopted a holistic approach in its relations with African countries, combining its soft power (humanitarian aid, nongovernmental organizations and trade) with hard power (defense industry and arms sales). That is, Turkey will continue to improve its relations with Africa in all sectors whether it be economic, trade, defense, agriculture, tourism or the struggle against terrorism. In order to deepen Turkish-African cooperation, Turkey will host the third Economy and Business Forum in October and the third Turkey-Africa Partnership Summit in December, both in Istanbul.

By all indications, 2022 will be a year full of intense arguments and discussions.

France, an aggressive ex-colonizer, attempts to make up for its loss of reputation and power by starting fights with Turkey. Meanwhile, Turkey is becoming more and more competitive compared to the rest of the rising powers. Indeed, the critics of the recent improvement of Turkey’s relations with Russia are looking for new alliances to undermine the old.

It seems that, as long as France plays an exploitative role in its relations with other global and regional powers, it is destined to lose its reach on a global scale and to be reduced to a mid-sized power. It does not have the capacity to play a game-changing role on the world stage. The only chance for France is the consolidation of its position within the EU and NATO alliance. Only together with the EU and NATO can France hope to play an effective role in international politics.

At a time when many international actors tend to be introverted, Turkey's constructive criticism and entrepreneurial and humanitarian diplomacy approach to resolving crises will eventually gain the position it deserves.

Tevdîrên ewlehiyê yên nû yên birêvebiriya Macron ên bi giştî ji bo gelê Fransiz û bi taybetî ji bo misilmanan digel ku li welêt maf û azadiyan sînordar dike di civakê da jî atmosfera bêewlehiyê ya mezin derdixîne holê.

Las nuevas medidas de seguridad que la administración del presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron, ha introducido recientemente afectan al pueblo francés en general y a los musulmanes del país en particular.

- Les nouvelles mesures de sécurité du gouvernement Macron, visant le peuple français en général et les musulmans en particulier, restreignent les droits et libertés dans le pays et créent un sérieux climat de méfiance dans la société.