The clash of interests in Idlib

Regional and global actors cannot reach common ground in order to end the Idlib crisis, signaling that the Syrian civil war will most probably get worse in the future

The clash of interests in Idlib
Zero progress from Washington's Syria desk

Zero progress from Washington's Syria desk

One of the most significant unknowns in Washington for the last seven years has been the Syrian policy. The inconsistency between rhetoric and policy, the absence of a strategy and indecisiveness were considered the pillars of the U.S. position


Earlier this week, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan along with a large delegation, including myself. The top two items on the agenda were the economic integration of the Turkic world and the fight against the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ).

Turkish and U.S. officials need to find ways to stop the ongoing crisis from deepening and prevent the years-long strategic partnership from completely collapsing

Two years have passed since the attempted coup of July 15, which was a serious attack on Turkey's state, society and democracy.

Resistance to the coup attempt is a major turning point in Turkey's political history and a critical threshold in its capacity to deal with illegal networks and groups

Is the fight against FETÖ complete?

Turkey's fight against FETÖ is not over, but gets even deeper as the full extent of the terrorist group's secretive structure gradually emerges

Is the fight against FETÖ complete
Tips to improve the Ankara-Washington friendship

Tips to improve the Ankara-Washington friendship

The improvement of Turkish-U.S. ties depends on the formation of strong and strategic cooperation between the two countries in the coming period


The June 24 parliamentary and presidential elections are one of the most critical elections in the political history of the Turkish Republic.

The June 24 election is all about the institutionalization of the presidential system and deciding who is best suited to carry Turkey into the future

With just two weeks left until the June 24 elections, Turkey has been preoccupied with an agreement with the United States on Manbij and a military operation against the terrorist organization PKK's command center in northern Iraq.

The oppositions' presidential candidates, i.e. Muharrem Ince, Temel Karamollaoğlu and Meral Akşener, are calling for the release of Selahattin Demirtaş, who is supported by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), from prison.

Regardless of what coalition forms in Iraq, the new government will face the problem of ensuring political stability, government control over non-government groups and encouraging normalization among different ethnic and sectarian elements

The study argues that specific developments such as the territorial decline of DAESH, and counterterrorism experience ensured the prevention of more terrorist attacks by DAESH terrorists.

Sometimes the biggest challenge for policy makers is not the diagnosis of the problem, but the lack of a proper strategy to fix it; nowadays one of the biggest hurdles in Washington.

Macron probably achieved his goal of being the messenger of Europe and became the actor that warned the U.S. before it was too late to protect the system that it established

The upcoming elections are important for Turkey as the presidential system will become fully operational after the vote and the government would be fully focused on domestic and external problems, but there are challenges for both the Popular Alliance and the opposition parties

Head of the Turkish think tank, SETA, Burhanettin Duran said that the AK Party decided to hold elections not because of an ongoing crisis or political turbulence, but rather to tackle any future turbulence. He added that Turkey's hand in dealing with adverse conditions will be strengthened after the polls

Speakers highlight cooperation in the fight against terrorism and media’s characterization of events

The international community needs to generate effective solutions more than ever to end the suffering of the Syrian people

Washington should consider Ankara as an important ally instead of depending on terrorist organizations since it has proven its determination and success on the ground