The AK Party Comes to Terms With its Own Power

Having successfully overcome internal and external crises in its first decade in power, the AK Party must now prepare for coming challenges while keeping its legacy in mind.

The AK Party Comes to Terms With its Own Power
The AK Party's Political Identity

The AK Party's Political Identity

What the AK Party needs now is a new definition of identity in line with the requirements of constructing the "new" Turkey to complete its political visions.


Erdoğan's timely, direct and proactive moves reduced the time span of Turkey's normalization and democratization, and promoted economic stability.

The Gülenist parallel state began to operate with help from affiliated members of law enforcement, public prosecutors and judges, the covert organization gained access to all levels of government.

The normalising of Turkey-Israel relations since the establishment of Israel in the19th century has been strained by default.

Since the Justice and Development Party's (AK Party) rule, the field diversified as mainstream and marginal media became more pluralized. Mainstream media has diversified and reflected societal demands, political positions and differences.

Elections and the Rise of Religious Discourse

What is more important is that if the struggling actors switch to embracing and democratic statements, it is possible they will have already lost credibility in the eyes of the public.

Elections and the Rise of Religious Discourse
Three Shades of Fethullah Gülen

Three Shades of Fethullah Gülen

The Gülen Movement represents an informal political force in Turkey that holds the country’s political leadership at gunpoint.


With their current structure, it is impossible to describe Gulen and his followers as a religious or a civil society organizatıon. They should be described at most as an organization fighting for a state within the State or a political opposition.

Turkey, a country so critical in shaping the international system, should play a more effective role in international organizations.