For the time being, Washington and Ankara find themselves in a favorable position to hold talks and the two must now take constructive, concrete steps regarding potential flashpoints in the region
A Turkish court released pastor Andrew Brunson from house arrest last week. His trial had brought Turkey-U.S. relations to a historical low. Over the last two years, the issue dominated the agenda of every meeting between the high-level officials of both countries.
Turkey is still the most significant regional actor enabling the U.S. to secure its credibility and reputation across the whole Middle East
The strained atmosphere between Turkey and the U.S. is not likely to change until Trump stops being a bully
Turkish-American relations have been in a situation of permanent crises for the last five years..
Washington is aware of the fact that threatening the rule of law and sovereignty of Turkey will not be accepted from Ankara and such a move will be counterproductive for the release of pastor Brunson
The above-mentioned sanctions marked the beginning of a new era in Turkey-U.S. relations..
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's participation in the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa last week was significant for Turkey's search for a new direction.
The dispute over the charges against Pastor Brunson is just the top of the iceberg in the deepening crisis between Ankara and Washington
The Turkish people chose Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as the first president of the new presidential system in their country on June 24, making him win his 13th race for elections since 2002.
With just two weeks left until the June 24 elections, Turkey has been preoccupied with an agreement with the United States on Manbij and a military operation against the terrorist organization PKK's command center in northern Iraq.