Bullets, distortion of truth and lynchings in Türkiye

The upcoming Turkish elections are not characterized by complete right-left polarization. Right-wing parties and former Justice and Development Party (AK Party) members are at the CHP’s table. In truth, anti-Erdoğanism represents the backbone of the opposition campaign, but that is not enough to win. That’s because neo-Kemalist CHP and IP voters do not think that anti-Erdoğanism could justify Kılıçdaroğlu’s engagement with the HDP. Likewise, they are seriously frustrated by the PKK and FETÖ’s thinly veiled endorsement of the prominent opposition leader. In their view, Kılıçdaroğlu and his many vice presidential candidates are not fit to govern Türkiye.

Bullets distortion of truth and lynchings in Türkiye
The debate on whom can govern in Türkiye

The debate on whom can govern in Türkiye

The main source of disagreement between Türkiye's government and the opposition relates to which side could govern better. Alternatively, it is about the claim that the opposite side cannot govern properly. As Türkiye inches toward next year’s elections, that theme dominates domestic politics week in and week out.


Obviously, the governing party bears responsibility for any action it takes – or does not. What really needs to be discussed is why the opposition cannot represent an alternative despite that baggage. The opposition seems to underestimate its own ability to make new points to target the government, instead fueling fears and concern.

Does the opposition, which eagerly blames economic challenges on the presidential system, have a common policy that goes beyond unveiling a handful of shared principles?

The Second Berlin Conference on Libya called for the withdrawal of foreign powers from Tripoli, while Turkey underlined its unique position and the sacrifices it made for the region. The upcoming elections in the country were also discussed at the conference

The Supreme Election Council (YSK) on Wednesday released its justified decision to annul the March 31 mayoral election in Istanbul. Between pages 200 and 212 of the 250-page reasoning, the cancellation of the election is justified on the basis of three key factors.

Election Safety and Combining Ballot Boxes

Is the institutional structure sufficiently trustworthy regarding management and supervision of elections in Turkey? What are the regulations introduced by the Election Safety Law and what are their purpose? What does the decision to move and combine ballot boxes mean? Are the criticisms justified?

Election Safety and Combining Ballot Boxes
Opposition alliance adopts two-step election strategy

Opposition alliance adopts two-step election strategy

With the oppositional bloc relying mostly on emotions and ideology rather than politics and visionary alliances, they have now found themselves leading toward the elections without a strategy
