Sensitive Times Require Resolve and Statesmanship

We will observe the unveiling of new political and electoral dynamics in the run up to the elections, but whatever happens on the political scene, resumption of the sense of political stability and predictability will be the key to support brave decisions that the security and economy bureaucracies might be expected to take in the coming days and months.

Sensitive Times Require Resolve and Statesmanship
Economics of the Iran Nuclear Deal

Economics of the Iran Nuclear Deal

Turkey’s construction, textiles, automotive and appliance companies might benefit from the expected expansion in the Iranian economy, which might accomplish double-digit growth figures in the coming years.


The austerity program imposed on Greece as a solution to its deep economic crisis has transformed into a threat to the entire eurozone.

When the political dust settles in Turkey following the June 7 elections, the attention of policy makers will have to refocus on the critical developments in Asia.

Which constitutional regime provides a better political framework for the foundation of development-friendly institutional compacts and effective state-business relations?

As the Middle East continues to be dominated by age-old rivalries, unresolved conflicts and protracted ethno-sectarian traumas, the epicenter of global hegemonic competition has shifted to the Asia-Pacific, where China and the U.S. are involved in a multipronged struggle for political, economic and geostrategic domination.

Turkey and Iran: Competitive Collaboration

The timing of the critical visit by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Tehran this week corresponded with a very sensitive regional and international conjuncture.

Turkey and Iran Competitive Collaboration
The Economic Impact of a Presidential System

The Economic Impact of a Presidential System

A presidential system will also allow better macro-policy coordination among the Finance, Development, Industry and Social Security Ministries and international trade, as there will be a clear line of upward hierarchy and better performance monitoring.


This analysis tries to evaluate the effectiveness of the G20 on changing the global financial landscape.

The heated debate surrounding the monetary policy choices of the central bank and rapidly falling value of the lira vis-a-vis the dollar in recent weeks triggered a search for a new and production-oriented economic governance paradigm in Turkey.

Turkey will continue to surprise the endemic pessimists and return to a high and sustained path of growth after the completion of structural reforms.

As for now, the Turkish Central Bank stands loyal to its neoliberal legal framework and continues to aim for inflation control at the expense of other macroeconomic goals.

How exactly can we draw the boundaries of institutional independence, and which acts by political actors could be interpreted as enchroacing upon those boundaries?

Syriza is a loose coalition of numerous radical leftist movements whereas the AK Party has been a strong and unified political movement constructed around Erdoğan's leadership.

Turkish economy is still in the process of rehabilitation from the structural damage of politically motivated judicial operations on Dec. 17 and Dec. 25 of last year against the incumbent AK Party government.

For emerging powers such as Turkey, the prospect of overcoming the "middle-income trap" is dependent upon developing a robust national base for research and development, innovation and technology transfer.

Turkey could be very active in pushing for a better deal from the IMF and the World Trade Organization (WTO) for developing countries in the context of crisis prevention strategies and the advancement of the Doha Development Agenda.

Turkey's revamped structural transformation program has finally been unveiled. This constitutes a historic milestone as the document signifies a change in the path of the development narrative followed over the course of the last decade.

Turkey's presidency of the G20 in 2015 presents a golden opportunity to bring crucial development issues to the global governance agenda and stimulate dynamism of its national economy by forming new diplomatic and commercial linkages.