Turkish-EU relations must be settled on new ground

A new basis for cooperation between Turkey and the EU is needed instead of tensions that could further strain relations

Turkish-EU relations must be settled on new ground
Geo-economics of energy in the Eastern Mediterranean

Geo-economics of energy in the Eastern Mediterranean

In a world of intensifying international economic competition, neo-protectionism and aggressive growth, energy efficiency and procurement security rapidly turn into matters of prevalent national interest.


Turkey rightly desires to maintain a respectable and equitable relationship with the U.S. and would not accept to be bullied for anything

Turkish-U.S. relations are going through neither a structural crisis nor conjectural tension. I think relations are experiencing structural tension.

The European Islamophobia Report (EIR) is an annual report, which is presented for the first time for the year of 2015.

Needless to say, Greece stands to lose more than other EU countries if membership talks with Ankara come to an end. And we are not just talking about illegal immigration and terror threats either.

'Cautious Optimism' for Turkey-EU Relations?

For the Turks, it is Europe's failure to acknowledge and meet its responsibilities toward Turkey in a number of areas including the Syrian civil war.

Cautious Optimism' for Turkey-EU Relations
Trump Must Change YPG Policy before It Is Too Late

Trump Must Change YPG Policy before It Is Too Late

The U.S.'s official support to the Syrian militant group is likely to c ause real tension at the Erdoğan-Trump meeting


What are the decisive factors in Turkey’s relations with various regions and partners? What policy should Turkey adopt to enhance or establish amicable relations and sustain existing ones? What is the place of the “increasing friends” policy in the near future of Turkish foreign policy?

Although Ankara and London followed different paths, they have a lot in common today. And Turkey's pursuit of EU membership is closely related to London's way out.

At this critical juncture, instead of debating who needs whom more, the next administration should focus on how to reclaim the strategic partnership and working relationship with an important ally

The Turkish-Israeli agreement, which is a historical step for the region that has reached a dead end, brings many vital projects to better Gazans' lives

The EIR documents and analyzes trends in the spread of Islamophobia in various European nation states. Every year on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March), EIR will be published.

As the counterterror fight is the first priority for Turkey, the U.S. authorities' tangible solution offered to Erdoğan can mark a good start in putting bilateral relations back on track.

U.S.-Turkey bilateral relations were discussed in detail in various different panels during the 5th Annual Conference of Insight Turkey organized by the country's think tank SETA foundation in Washington, D.C.

Turkey has a government that could realize political stability and economic reforms, which will make the following four years predictable.

Reaching an agreement with Moscow and Washington on the Syrian civil war and fighting ISIS, the PKK and PKK-affiliated PYD in the region is the main topic on Ankara's agenda.

Prof. Efraim Inbar - whose works on Turkish-Israeli relations deserve much credit - recently wrote an op-ed piece "An open letter to my Turkish friends" in The Jerusalem Post in which he paints a grotesque picture of Turkey's new foreign policy vision and domestic political developments. It misleadingly confines the multi-dimensional Turkish foreign policy vision to politics of ideology that is reminiscent of the Cold War years.

Everyone seems to agree that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan read the results of the March 29 elections right. The Cabinet reshuffle last week has created new momentum for the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government. Yet Erdoğan will have to do more to recapture the reformist spirit of the early years of his rule. 

After back-to-back visits to Turkey by US Middle East envoy George Mitchell and secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Ahmet Davutoglu, a top adviser to Turkey's prime minister, predicted that Turkish-American relations were about to enter a golden era