Promise of the LLMs: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

How can Large Language Models (LLMs) enhance diplomacy, international cooperation, and economic productivity? What are the potential risks and challenges associated with the deployment of LLMs in military and diplomatic decision-making? What legal and ethical considerations arise from the widespread use of LLMs, and how can these be addressed?

Promise of the LLMs The Good the Bad and the
What is the point of the debate over the origins

What is the point of the debate over the origins of Covid-19?

The new assessment of the U.S. Department of Energy, which made headlines in the press, is that the Covid-19 virus may have "leaked from a laboratory". Although this assessment is at a 'low confidence level', it differs from the consensus of intelligence units and scientists. Contrary to the general opinion of government agencies, FBI Director Christopher Wray supported the Department of Energy's assessment by saying, "The FBI has been evaluating the source of the pandemic for quite some time, most likely a potential laboratory accident." The White House states that there is no consensus among government agencies on this issue. Despite this, the issue of the origin of the pandemic, which is on Washington's list of complaints about China, is again on the agenda, creating a new element of pressure against China.


The Coronavirus pandemic has shown that capitalism is dysfunctional when labor is inactive.

It has now been almost a decade since scholars, observers and policymakers started discussing the state of U.S. leadership in the world.

It is difficult to say Biden made good on his 'America is back' slogan

This summer issue of Insight Turkey aims to highlight the recent developments and challenges in the Middle East, specifically on Palesitinian-Israeli impasse, Iranian elections, and Turkey’s foreign policy and increasing influence in the region, with a rich frame including three commentaries and six research articles.

Biden's US pins its hopes on COVID-19 for global image

The COVID-19 crisis has probably been the most significant and consequential public health crisis the world has faced in the past century. Since the 1917 Spanish flu, this is the first time that the world has dealt a crisis of such magnitude.

Biden's US pins its hopes on COVID-19 for global image
Maximum insecurity haunts world politics

Maximum insecurity haunts world politics

There is almost a consensus among scholars and observers of world politics that we are entering a new phase in international relations. This is expected to be another period of great power rivalry.


Two trends seem to be competing with one another during the coronavirus crisis in recent weeks. On the one hand, the number of people who have been vaccinated has been increasing as of late, while on the other hand, many countries seem to be heading toward a third wave of the virus. In countries like the U.S., which has been the epicenter of the pandemic for the last 12 months, the number of those who received at least one jab reached 161 million as of April 2.

It has been almost a year since the declaration of the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic. It was one of the most tragic years in history. Millions were infected by the virus, and hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives. It traumatized tens of millions of people around the world.

Bringing America back may sound good to some ears, but it is not as easy to accomplish in the new world system

It has been more than a year since we started talking about the COVID-19 crisis. For many around the world, 2020 was a loss. Some people lost their loved ones. Others had to fight off the deadly disease themselves.

Donald Trump's election as U.S. president, a man known to most as a xenophobic, populist, far-right, ultra-nationalist, radical conservative personality, has brought to light many aspects of the country's politics that previously may have been overlooked. In this piece, I want to highlight a few of the critical problems the United States has faced since the last presidential elections.

On Wednesday, Joe Biden's inauguration ceremony is set to take place, and he will be sworn in as the 46th president of the U.S. This inauguration is unlike others in modern U.S. history, with Washington now a fortress in the wake of the Jan. 6 storming of U.S. Congress.

Joe Biden will officially become president of the United States this week. Washington, D.C., has been on high alert, even in the final days of the controversial transition period. The National Guard, which has been stationed at the Capitol Building to prevent a second attack by outgoing President Donald Trump’s supporters, became the latest symbol of America’s deeply divided democracy.

The United States is going through a particularly interesting period. The two-month presidential transition allowed for a flare-up of tensions unseen in two centuries.

We have seen similar scenes previously only in the movies. In TV series, such as "Designated Survivor," there was an attack on the heart of the democracy in the U.S. – the U.S. Congress.

llegations of a coup dominated Turkey’s political arena before the Muslim headscarf controversy could be put to bed. From a journalist’s dream of “a great natural disaster” to topple President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to a former military commander claiming that the 1960 coup could have been avoided if an early election had been called, to the attempted birth of an opposition movement over the appointment of Boğaziçi University’s new rector, Turkey is dealing with a range of fierce debates. All of these conflicts attest to the resilience of the idea of Kemalist tutelage, which simply refuses to respect popular will.

2020 was a difficult year for everyone. The two avalanches in the eastern province of Van and a major earthquake in the western province of Izmir aside, the COVID-19 pandemic altered our lives so remarkably that we could not adapt to the “new normal” – embodied by face masks and social distancing. We could not even mourn those who lost their lives. As the vaccine against the coronavirus becomes more widely available, we dream of reuniting with our friends and loved ones.

For most people, the year 2020 will be remembered with negative developments, some of which have influenced many states and people throughout the world.

The COVID-19 pandemic dominated the year 2020, as the world encountered a great test on health care, economy and humanity. Several countries confiscated each other’s personal protective equipment (PPE) and went down in the history of shame. Against the backdrop of all the chatter about “the new normal” and “nothing will be the same again,” the truth is that power competition in the international system has escalated even further.